Naturally Happy

What is Meditation? It is the Power of Conscious Awareness



This episode is about meditation, this episode is about pain and this episode is about compassion. I am going to tie these three areas together. I’ve given 100’s of classes and courses in meditation - and one of the things I've noticed - which I'm sure you've noticed too, is that many people have a view about meditation. People often think it's like shutting yourself down and a lot of people struggle, unnecessarily, when they meditate because they try to clear their mind. And that phrase clear your mind is sort of thrown around, a lot - clear your mind, clear your mind, clear your mind - and of course, you're sitting there trying to clear the mind and the mind is screaming! And so people are struggling to clear their mind, to switch off their thoughts. I think people are struggling because the whole concept is not helpful - trying to sort of go into a blank state, is more like trying to become unconscious - it's like being in a coma. I think meditation has nothing to do with clearing the mind - it has nothing