Shine Time Radio



A podcast all about winging life with tips from life coach, Jenny Robertson.


  • Season 5, Episode 25: Coaching with the Tarot for Libra Season ♎️

    28/09/2023 Duration: 13min

    This Libra Season we are looking at three BIG root system cards for our Tarot supports; Justice, The Empress and the Queen of Swords.You can find out more about this modality and support over on the Membership area, Self Coaching with the Tarot at

  • Season 5, Episode 24: On Why Small Meaningful Changes Are Magic

    05/09/2023 Duration: 21min

    This week we get into my MVP of habit work; small (but meaningful) consistent changes (as opposed to those big scary all or nothing ones). Big, giant all or nothing shifts don’t always (or often) work for many of us. Want to know how I know? Cause I try them over and over and over again. And guess what? It’s official…they are shite. They just don’t stick. You know what does? Small, meaningful, consistent, aligned shifts and pivots. Those may not sound sexy but they are absolute game changers. They are real and gentle and magic. And really…what’s more sexy than that? The folks who come to work with me sense that those small, meaningful, consistent, aligned shifts are the way forwards for themselves. They know that and that’s why they are drawn to working with me. It’s compassionate exploration. It’s sweet and gentle homecomings. It’s a small thing that becomes a a big fucking deal. It’s curious, eye opening, no going back type shifts. That’s what I’m here for. Here’s why I’ll always champion small, mean

  • Season 5, Episode 23: Coaching with he Tarot for Virgo Season ♍️

    29/08/2023 Duration: 18min

    This season relates to The Hermit, The Magician, The Lovers and The Knight of Pentacles and let me tell you…there are some amazing opportunities to get clear about how we want to move through our daily lives…let’s get into it! You can find more of this goodness over on the website

  • Season 5, Episode 22: Working with Reversals

    24/08/2023 Duration: 13min

    This week's episode takes at look at working with (or not working with) reversals. These are cards that are pulled or flip out upside down. This is a personal thing. Many folks choose not to work with them but I love them. I think they provide a lot of really great data and a layer of information that I just can't NOT see or use. Have a listen to see what the reverse of a card may be trying to share with you. *If you prefer a more visual experience, this podcast can be found over on the Tube as well. Search; Shine Time Coaching. **You can join us over on the Membership Area, Self Coaching with the Tarot if you'd like support and resources to learn this modality of Coaching with the Tarot for yourself. . . .

  • Season 5, Episode 21: Personal Homecomings the Shine Time Way

    28/07/2023 Duration: 16min

    Homecoming is the foundation of the work I do , both in my own healing and in the supports and work I do with others. Have a listen to find out what I mean by these crucial little, gorgeous words. You can learn more about my work over on Shine Time Coaching.

  • Season 5, Episode 20: Coaching with the Tarot for Leo Season ♌️

    20/07/2023 Duration: 15min

    We have Leo season coming up on July 23rd running until August 23rd. Leo season is associated with The Strength and also The Sun and the Page of Wands. Have a listen to find out the invitations that may be coming up for you during this period of time. I mention my good friend Shadi @ Attash Healing if you are looking for any thing astrological. You can find more of this Coaching with the Tarot type stuff over in the Membership area if you are looking to learn the Tarot or deep your own practice with this modality.

  • Season 5, Episode 19: A Guided Tour of the Membership Area

    28/06/2023 Duration: 14min

    Welcome to your inside look at the Shine Time Coaching member area called Self Coaching with the Tarot. Did you know that there is a Shine Time Members area for folks to learn about this Coaching with the Tarot modality for themselves?  Well, there is! And it has so much (and more) of the goodness that is shared here.   There are two options:  *Shine Time Members: £10/month for full access  *Shine Time Members PLUS: £40/month for full access PLUS a 40 minute zoom session with me a month You get full access to:  -Tarot beginner tips  -Tarot intermediate supports -Spreads and Pulls  -Cheat sheets  -Tarot and the Zodiac  -'Coaching with...' for each card -Private Members Podcast   -And lots more... Why this membership?  This membership has been developed from a culmination of my years of Tarot study and work, Coaching work, teaching experience and life adventures.  The goal is to grow as we go and things are adapted and added to each month. I have a real dream to build this up into a huge resource wit

  • Season 5, Episode 17: Coaching with the Tarot for Cancer Season

    21/06/2023 Duration: 17min

    A little Tarot perspective for the upcoming Cancer Season (June 22nd - July 22nd). Hope you brought your towel cause it's time to deep dive.

  • Season 5 Episode 17: Coaching (with Tarot) Tip - Look Where You Want to Go, Not Where You Don’t

    14/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    Lessons from mountain biking and the twos in the Tarot deck.This week I share briefly about a top coaching tool I use with myself and the folks I get to work with that seems simple and is really effective. Looking more towards where we want to go (and giving more energy towards those things) than where we don't. Don't worry...we don't do bypassing in this here space so have listen to find out more. Deck: Tarot Embroidery Magic You can head to Shine Time Coaching to learn more about the ways I work and the offerings available.

  • Season 5, Episode 16: Why Are New Habits So Flipping Hard with Karen Preene

    06/06/2023 Duration: 59min

    This week I have another wonderful guest on the show, Karen of Deadlifts and Red Lips. Karen is a non-diet personal trainer and is a fellow coach who approach with folks is based on kind-hearted and respectful values. Today we get into why new habits feel so flipping hard! And yes, even as coaches, we also find this hard at times. I loved our chat and really hope it helps folks feel less alone in this as well as gives a little perspective and support ideas to help you on your own habit journey. You can find Karen over on Instagram and Patreon. I can't recommend her work enough. Check her out if you aren't already a part of her community. You can find me over on

  • Season 5, Episode 15: My Top Five Tips For Starting Out a Tarot Practice

    01/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    This week we get into the gorgeous healing and self exploration/development tool that is the Tarot. I share about some of the barriers I notice folks coming up against as well as my top tips for getting started. Decks Mentioned: Smith-Rider-Waite, Tarot for the Holy Spectrum and Tarot Embroidery Magic (Etsy). You can find out more about the Coaching with the Tarot modality and the membership area by heading to

  • Season 5 Episode 14: Coaching with the Tarot for Gemini Season ♊️

    26/05/2023 Duration: 14min

    We look at the collective energies for Gemini Season. That’s The Lovers, The Magician and The Knight of Swords. It’s invitations around how we can relate to ourselves in a much loving way, how we tap into our creative sources and how we push the boundaries of our capacities in some way. You can learn more about this Coaching with the Tarot modality over on .

  • Season 5, Episode 13: Healing Support with the Three of Swords

    17/05/2023 Duration: 11min

    This week I share the insights and invitations that we access when working with the Three of Swords especially around our healing work. I mention Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul. The deck shown is Tarot Embroidery Magic and can be found on Etsy. You can head to for more information about me and the Coaching with the Tarot healing modality and membership area.

  • Season 5 Episode 12: Chatting With Shadi About Practical Magic, Intuitive Work and Life Stuffs

    04/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    I'm so happy (and feel so honoured) to welcome my very first guest to the show this week. Shadi Eskandani is not only a peer and friend, she is also the Founder of Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts and uses Astrology, Tarot and Energy Work to hold healing space for folks. She is an Iranian/Canadian mama, business owner, soothsayer and just an amazing human. I've been working with Shadi through her astrology offerings for almost 2 years now and I can’t speak highly enough about her work and her connection to something bigger. It has added another deeper and richer layer of knowing and supporting myself. We have really bonded in our shared experience of running a business around our intuitive healing works and something we are both really passionate about is the theme of practical magic. How we take the downloads and intuitive messages and inner knowing and make them practical for ourselves and for the folks we work with. You can find Shadi at: www.

  • Season 5, Episode 11: Coaching with the Tarot for Taurus Season

    27/04/2023 Duration: 11min

    Real invitations for us around allowing ourselves to be our own best experts and attendants and advocates and around our receptivity to the good and supportive things that are available for us. It’s the reminder that while we all deserve to be seen and supported and cared for by a community and loved ones, we are the only ones that can know ourselves best.

  • Season 5, Episode 10: On Giving Ourselves the Aligned Care We Need and Alchemising Anger for Healing.

    18/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    Some themes: We get to be the caring, loving, supportive, aligned, trusted, wise, caregivers we need now (and maybe needed all along). We get to be this for ourselves, for our loves and for our wider communities. What we give attention and our energy to, we give power to.  I’m looking for something from someone who is unwilling and/or unable to give that to me. It’s doomed to fail unfortunately so then what?  What could feel homecoming in this?  What could feel like we are shifting something back into ourselves in terms of feeling safe, feeling seen etc  Where am I looking for healing from a source that contributes to my wounding? Where is that now my job to tend? And to connect with trusted sources for healing? How do we alchemise this anger and resentment into something more protective, peaceful and empowering?  The Tarot: Justice, Lovers, King and Queen of Cups, The Star (and Tower), 2 of Cups and 3 of Swords.

  • Episode 9: Coaching with the Hanged Being, Death and Temperance

    30/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    We get right into the processing, space making and space holding that are the energies of these three cards. When one of these cards comes up in a reading or I'm sharing about them, I can’t speak about one without the other two. They are so vitally intertwined. Deck shown in the YouTube video: Embroidered Tarot (Etsy)

  • Season 5, Episode 8: Coaching with the Tarot for Aries Season

    23/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    A little Coaching with the Tarot love for this Aries Season featuring the Emperor, The Tower and The Queen of Wands. Such a powerful time of year with some good, good invitations for aligned change (if we are able to support ourselves to do so). I mentioned the Astrologer I work with called Shadi Eskandani. You can find her at Aatash Healing and Intuitive Arts. I also mentioned my learning about the Queen of Wands from Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul *Just a reminder that this audio is taken from a recording that is for my YouTube channel and so I may reference things I'm showing to the viewers. You can learn more about my membership area by heading to my website and the members area here.

  • Season 5, Episode 7: Worst and Best Case Scenario (and the cards that have helped me)

    01/03/2023 Duration: 18min

    This week are taking a look at how we can work with Worst Case thinking by looking at the 9 of Swords and the 9 of Cups.  Those of you who have been here for awhile know that I have been creeped on by the 9 of Swords for a long time now. Working with it along with the 9 of Cups has been really transformational.    Just a reminder that this audio is taken from a video made for YouTube and you can see my wee face and the cards I'm referring to (and often a wee furry visitor) here.   Deck used: Tarot Embroidery Magic on Etsy.    Head to to learn more about this healing modality.

  • Season 5, Episode 6: Habits Vs. Rituals

    23/02/2023 Duration: 17min

    This week I take a look at the difference between habits and rituals and how we can maybe engage in our habits in a more intentional and meaningful way (aka maybe by ritualising them). It's a lot simpler than you may think (Like a mindset shift!).  A wee reminder that the membership area, Self Coaching with the Tarot, is open for folks who'd like explore this healing modality for themselves. You can find it at 

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