Shine Time Radio

Season 5, Episode 10: On Giving Ourselves the Aligned Care We Need and Alchemising Anger for Healing.



Some themes: We get to be the caring, loving, supportive, aligned, trusted, wise, caregivers we need now (and maybe needed all along). We get to be this for ourselves, for our loves and for our wider communities. What we give attention and our energy to, we give power to.  I’m looking for something from someone who is unwilling and/or unable to give that to me. It’s doomed to fail unfortunately so then what?  What could feel homecoming in this?  What could feel like we are shifting something back into ourselves in terms of feeling safe, feeling seen etc  Where am I looking for healing from a source that contributes to my wounding? Where is that now my job to tend? And to connect with trusted sources for healing? How do we alchemise this anger and resentment into something more protective, peaceful and empowering?  The Tarot: Justice, Lovers, King and Queen of Cups, The Star (and Tower), 2 of Cups and 3 of Swords.