Shine Time Radio

Season 5, Episode 24: On Why Small Meaningful Changes Are Magic



This week we get into my MVP of habit work; small (but meaningful) consistent changes (as opposed to those big scary all or nothing ones). Big, giant all or nothing shifts don’t always (or often) work for many of us. Want to know how I know? Cause I try them over and over and over again. And guess what? It’s official…they are shite. They just don’t stick. You know what does? Small, meaningful, consistent, aligned shifts and pivots. Those may not sound sexy but they are absolute game changers. They are real and gentle and magic. And really…what’s more sexy than that? The folks who come to work with me sense that those small, meaningful, consistent, aligned shifts are the way forwards for themselves. They know that and that’s why they are drawn to working with me. It’s compassionate exploration. It’s sweet and gentle homecomings. It’s a small thing that becomes a a big fucking deal. It’s curious, eye opening, no going back type shifts. That’s what I’m here for. Here’s why I’ll always champion small, mean