Shine Time Radio

Season 5 Episode 12: Chatting With Shadi About Practical Magic, Intuitive Work and Life Stuffs



I'm so happy (and feel so honoured) to welcome my very first guest to the show this week. Shadi Eskandani is not only a peer and friend, she is also the Founder of Aatash Intuitive Healing Arts and uses Astrology, Tarot and Energy Work to hold healing space for folks. She is an Iranian/Canadian mama, business owner, soothsayer and just an amazing human. I've been working with Shadi through her astrology offerings for almost 2 years now and I can’t speak highly enough about her work and her connection to something bigger. It has added another deeper and richer layer of knowing and supporting myself. We have really bonded in our shared experience of running a business around our intuitive healing works and something we are both really passionate about is the theme of practical magic. How we take the downloads and intuitive messages and inner knowing and make them practical for ourselves and for the folks we work with. You can find Shadi at: www.