Flostate Podcast



Where extreme focus and extreme creativity converge. Breaking down psychological flow, consciousness, and altered states in athletics, business, the arts and much more.


  • Episode 58 - Bargaining With The Future

    30/06/2022 Duration: 55min

    In today's episode, Dre and Alex discuss the different stages of motivation that bring about change. These stages come from the psychological tool therapists use known as Motivational Interviewing. Change can be difficult, especially when we are aiming at our higher potential. We get tripped up in the process of change because part of us doesn't want to change, part of us wants to be the impulsive appetite that cannot be satiated. The other part of us wants to change and change for the better. We can foster that growth by understanding and connecting with our own motivation to change. With this knowledge, we are better equipped to bargain with the future about what we want. 

  • Episode 57 - Just Hanging Out

    10/06/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode Dre and Alex take a break from the heavy conversations and just hang out for a bit talking about current events ranging from Elon's twitter battle to whether the Liver King is natty or not. Join us for a relaxed conversation and our take on the current state of the world. 

  • Episode 56 - Awakening Thumos

    10/05/2022 Duration: 53min

    Thumos is the ancient Greek concept that doesnt translate that well into english. In short it is our spiritedness. Thumos enapsulates the motivation, emotion, volition, and desire - it is the passion that drives us, it is the righteous rage.  In this episode Dre and Alex discuss thumos and how there is a pandemic of a dying thumos especially among men. We discuss what it is, how to tap into it, and the good that comes from it.

  • Episode 55 - Alex Finds Flow in BJJ

    21/04/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    In this episode Dre and Alex talk about his recent dive into BJJ. After talking about it ad nauseum, Dre finally got Alex to try out BJJ and spoiler alert - he gets hooked!  We get Alex's first impression of BJJ and what he has learned about himself. Dre breaks down how FLOW and BJJ are inherently intertwined. Dre goes over what it takes to get into flow states, how microdosing is an attempt to hack it and how BJJ can be a backdoor into flow states.

  • Episode 54 - Postmodernism & Reality

    07/04/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    In this episode, Dre introduces the concept of postmodernism to Alex and they discuss what exactly postmodernism is and how it effects our understanding of reality. Dre also discusses a few different therapeutic techniques that you can use to elicit change in your life. 

  • Episode 53 - Stress Resiliency and Vagus Nerve

    31/03/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    In this episode, Dre introduces Alex to the vagus nerve and breaks down what exactly happens in the body during moments of arousal and stress.  They also discuss what can be done to activate the vagus nerve and increase our resiliency to stressful events to perform better. 

  • Episode 52 - No Pain, No Gain

    10/03/2022 Duration: 01h25min

    In this episode, Dre and Alex get into the philosophical and psychological debate of whether or not pain is a necessary facet of life and if life would be better without pain. We also find out Alex's theoretical leanings and whether his behavior was predetermined. 

  • Episode 51 - Jordan Peterson Lecture Recap

    15/02/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    In todays episode the guys recap the first Dr. Jordan Peterson Lecture that took place in Austin in January. This was the first of his lectures on his new book tour and it was great to see Dr. Peterson back in action. They talk about the takeaways from the lecture, what surprised them about the audience, and the visible impact that Dr. Peterson has on people. 

  • Episode 50 - Write It Down

    08/02/2022 Duration: 01h50min

    In this episode Dre and Alex discuss the positive effects of writing things out. Writing has been shown to assist us in critically thinking about our past and future and daily journaling practices have been shown to lift one's mood and improve the overall outlook on life.  The guys also look at a few current events including the recent study claiming people find surgical masks attractive!

  • Episode 49 - New Year Same You

    24/01/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    This week the guys sit down to talk about resolutions and making changes. Being halfway through January, people are already abandoning their resolutions, so they tackle how to stay on the right track and keep moving forward. 

  • Episode 48 - Good Vibes

    06/01/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    In this last episode of 2021 and in celebrating the holidays, the guys discuss the idea of gratitude. They get into the positive effects gratitude has on us and how it is a life hack towards happiness. They also give a few tips and personal ways that they both cultivate gratitude in their lives that you can apply to yours. 

  • Episode 47 - Predicting the Future

    13/12/2021 Duration: 01h28min

    In this episode Dre and Alex continue with their discussion on happiness and being present in the moment. Dre introduces future forecasting, the idea that part of being happy is our ability to see into the future and argues that we must simultaneously live in the future and the present in order to be happy. 

  • Episode 46 - On Happiness

    25/11/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    This is the first in a series of episodes where Dre and Alex dive into the topic of happiness.  With the ever increasing rise in metal health issues, happiness is at the forefront of everyones mind but are we all thinking of the same thing? Is my happiness the same as yours? And what makes up happiness and how can we guarantee it? These are just some of the questions the guys tackle throughout the next few episodes. 

  • Episode 45 - Human Performance and Technology

    11/11/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    In today's epsiode Andres and Alex talk about the evolving landscape of technology and human performance and where they meet. Alex has his first VR experience, they discuss research and tech that DARPA and the military are currently using to increase human performance, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and more.  Don't forget to rate and review the podcast and follow us on instagram - @amattero / @dre_muniz

  • Episode 44 - Ego, Afterlife, and Determinism

    28/10/2021 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode Dre and Alex take a dive into the great debate of fate vs determinism and how our behavior is a result of which school of though you belong to. They also discuss the Ego and how it effects our behavior and our understanding of life and what lies beyond.  Thanks for listening and don't forget to leave us a rating!

  • Debate Club - Could psychedelics save the world?

    15/10/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    In this episode Andres and Alex start a new segment called Debate Club! Our wives join in on the fun to give us their perspectives on the issues. Today we debate the use of psychedelics and whether they should be regulated or not. We get into some interesting territory and may have even inadvertently started a cult! 

  • Episode 42 - From Zero To World Class (Part 2)

    29/09/2021 Duration: 01h30min

    In this part 2 of Going from Zero to World Class Andres and Alex look at the art of learning. The meta learning is what will inform us of what to learn and how. When we combine this information with the deep practice discussed in the last episode we create the ideal learning practice to go from zero to world class in record time.  Time stamps: 1. Episode 41 recap - 3:39 2. What is Meta learning - 15:47 3. The importance of outliers - 24:35 4. How to deadlift 400lbs training 5 mins per week - 36:20 5. DSSS - 39:15 6. CFE - 46:34 7. Questions to ask - 53:50 8. Art of Impossible learning method - 1:08

  • Episode 41 - From Zero to World Class - Part 1

    22/09/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    Want to learn how  to go from Zero to World class in 6-12 months? This is part 1 of a two part series on the art and science of learning. Andres and Alex break down what talent actually is and how to cultivate it. What it takes to develop world class skill and how to hack the 10,000 hour rule. Instagram: @dre_muniz @amattero 

  • Episode 40 - Procrastination

    15/09/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    In this episode Dre and Alex sit down and talk about the self inflicted pain of procrastination - what it is, why we do it, and how to stop yourself or someone else from procrastinating. 

  • Episode 39 - Psychic Entropy

    01/09/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode Dre and Alex talk about the concept of Psychic entropy and what magic was as a kid and feeling like you could do anything.  Psychic Entropy is a disorder in consciousness where information or stimulus creates disorganization of the self that impairs its effectiveness. 

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