Empowered Practice

Episode 11: Mental health awareness & my experience with anxiety & depression



Hey EP's! I know I always feel excited to share each week's topic with you, but today's feels like a different kind of special. Today I am discussing a bit about mental health awareness, but mostly, I am sharing my own personal story with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. This is the first time I am sharing openly about my experience with it and coming off the heels of World Mental Health Day, it feels fitting. To read the FULL BLOG, CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/EP11MntlHlth To schedule a FREE 30 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL with me, CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS MEANT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO MAKING ANY CHANGES***