Empowered Practice

It's ok to TAKE UP SPACE



Hello Beautiful Listeners, Welcome back to our FINAL episode of the "it's ok" series!  Today I am excitedly introducing you to the beautiful, oozing-with-love, Holistic Nutritionist and Self-Love Coach, Meg Doll!  I connected with Meg last year and we felt like instant soul-sisters <3. Meg is amazingly sweet, but once you hear her story, you will also FEEL her strength: she shares with us her journey of overcoming three ED's within the span of one decade, how trusting her inner callings has been a big part of her work and life philosophy today!  We chat about how important it can be to speak up, how sharing your journey authentically is an amazing connector, and bust some long-outdated myths about food re: women- it's ok to eat AS MUCH AS YOU NEED- regardless of how much ANYONE around you is eating!  I hope you enjoy basking in Meg's love and light in this episode, and if you feel to connect with her further, check out: http://www.megtherhn.com @megtherhn (instagram) With Love, Jadi