Empowered Practice

Yoga as embodiment, integration, and coming back to balance with Anna Sophie Conversano



Hi Everyone! Welcome back to the Empowered Practice podcast! In today's episode I have the pleasure of introducing you to Yoga Therapist and Embodied Wellness Practitioner Anna Sophie Conversano!  In our conversation we discuss how we both arrived at the practice of yoga as a coming home to our bodies and how that practice looks and feels now, on and off the mat! We discuss various forms of how yoga can look in action and the difference between a studio class and a yoga therapy session. Anna also shares some of her favorite resources including meditation apps and podcasts to help you get started on or support your already existing practice <3 I hope you find so much joy in listening, and if you have any questions or would like to hear me address a specific question, please email jadiengels@gmail.com with title "Podcast Question"! I would LOVE to address it and support you in that way <3. Additionally, I would SO appreciate your rating on iTunes; it will help like-minded individuals find our conver