Empowered Practice

Episode 8: Stress, Cortisol, & Blood Sugar Regulation!



Hi EP's! Today's topic is a BIG ONE! We're diving deeper into our body's stress response, what happens when it's turned on CHRONICALLY, and how CORTISOL is highly involved in it as well as blood sugar regulation! If you'd like the FULL GUIDE, please click HERE: http://bit.ly/2NL4XyB Feel like you could use further support on this topic? CLICK HERE to download my FREE PDF: 7 TIPS TO ELIMINATE EXHAUSTION NOW: http://bit.ly/7tipsforexhaustion Additionally, I have 1 space available right now for private 1-on-1 coaching. If you're working on recovering from Chronic Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, and Hormone imbalance, I would love to support you! Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call with me to learn more: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEATLH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES***