Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Shifting Your Perspective On Moving Forward Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 5



Show Notes: I was guided to share this message with you this week. So many of us feel like we are taking steps backward. Feeling like we are wanting to move forward but feel resistance come up. This is fabulous! This is an indication of progress. I'm going to give you some visuals to work with this week: Visual number 1. We often think that out path in linear like we are moving only forwards or backward when the pathway to our desires is actually up. For a few steps we do go forward then as the resistance come in to balance we feel like we are going backwards when in reality we are still moving up but have to deal with the shadow side. This can show up as when we are trying to manifest money and start to open up and examine our shadow, the subconscious side we notice 'triggers' or things that make us uncomfortable come up. Again this is a great sign that you are shaking things up. This is the feeling of 'backward' steps, but like I said it is actually your invitation to release that old program and make a