Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Intuitive Energy Forecast The Week Of February 4 2018 Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 4



Week of February 4th, 2018: Many of us have set intentions at some point in 2018, and this week the energies are encouraging us to be open to accept them. The Archangels took over the reading this week with lots to share about how to best utilize the energy this week. Raphael, Sandalphon and Uriel all came up as very close to Earth this week. Sending messages and signs to get you expanding on your path (many of you are doing simply amazing at this and are encouraged to keep going!) As you work with your own ascension and expansion energy you’ll notice that you’re becoming more sensitive and that your body is craving more rest, healthy foods and lots of water. This is a great sign, of your own growth and of your spiritual awareness and sensitivity opening up further. Honor this, and ask your body what it needs to feel supported. Our bodies have a wisdom of their own and when you tune in and listen you’ll understand how to best support yourself. This is also a great week if you have been considering getting