Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Getting Things Done Pressure VS Surrender Happiness Alchemy Podcast Episode 8



TRACYGAUDET.COM/LOVE for the free guided meditation. When things need to get accomplished we can choose from multiple paths to get them done. Today on the podcast I'm looking at getting things done from a place of pressure vs a place of surrender. When we work from a place of pressure consistently we tend to say and think things like I need to, I have to, I should. We tend to feel the energy of obligation, guilt and even anxiety as our desire for perfection is pushing us. It can also bring on the energy of fear and not enough. This is a masculine energy of pushing forward and while it is amazing in short spurts, trying to live daily from this energy can totally overload our bodies with stress hormones to the point of feeling burnt out and overworked. When we work from a place of surrender we tend to say and think things like I am open, I am co-creating. We tend to be in the energy of love, trust, expansion and focused on the present. This is a feminine energy and not super comfortable for many of is - so it