Broad New World



Hey my new friend, Im BROADHURST. I have done some big cool stuff in my life, but rather than list them here (because bio's make me feel icky) I will just say that my mission is to be of service to you through my music, music videos, blog, social media and this podcast. I will always be radically honest, real and raw, sharing with you everything I have learned (and most need to learn) about creativity, health, relationships, entrepreneurship, wealth and love. I live a pretty frickin amazing life, but it hasn't always been that way. Let me show you how I changed it. Learn more at


  • 38: Want More Energy And Better Health? Do This...

    22/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Today I want to share with you one simple thing you can do which will have a more profound effect on your life than any superfood ever can. My intention is always to present ideas and strategies that at times may be damn sexy and totally new to you, while others may just seem super obvious. But here’s the thing… the obvious ones are so often the most powerful, yet the most ignored. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 37: Do As Billionaires Do

    21/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    What makes some people extraordinarily wealthy while others struggle? Are they more worthy than most of the population? More ruthless? More blessed? Perhaps there is one simple thing they do which sets them apart, and best of all, you can start doing it today too... For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 36: The Simple Things Are Easy To Do, But They Are Also Very Easy Not To Do

    20/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you ever find yourself being drawn to the latest bio-hack, the latest superfood, the latest supplement, the latest ‘guru’, the latest gadget, the latest (.......). Everyday we are bombarded with so many messages trying to sell us something that will make our lives better, but right at our fingertips we have everything we need to create everything we desire. And the beautiful part about this is that often the most powerful things are the most simple. But herein lies the catch... For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 35: Turning Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

    19/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    I often speak about how our relationships act as a mirror that reflects back all the things we can refuse to see or deny within ourselves, but what if I told you there was a tool out there that can without fail identify all of your constraints and show you how to turn them into strengths? This one thing changed my personal and professional relationships on so many levels, and it can do the same for you too. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 34: Bless Thy Food

    16/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    Over the past couple of weeks we have been getting into some pretty deep topics. We have covered depression, enlightenment, success, bromance love, staying open wide, living from the heart, the one sentence that changed my life, what we resist persists and an orgasm a day keeps the divorce lawyer away. So today is something a bit lighter. My goal with The Nick Broadhurst Show is to share something each day that we can all easily implement into our lives, and today’s topic is something I guarantee we can all do starting today, and hopefully make this a part of our lives for the rest of our lives. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play

  • 33: Be First

    15/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    What if there was one simple thing you could do each day that would without fail put a smile on your face and the people around you? When when think of being of ‘service’ it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to ‘save the world’, but implementing this one simple idea will see you being a big contributor to positive change in the world. And it will make you feel amazing in the process! For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 32: An Orgasm A Day Keeps The Divorce Lawyer Away

    14/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    It never ceases to amaze me how often I forget that making love is the best medicine! We remember, we forget, we remember, we forget… Oh to be human! But today is a day where the full power of an-orgasm-a-day worked it’s magic and turned total disharmony into complete unity. What you are about to discover has the potential to transform your relationship with yourself and your lover in ways you never dreamed! For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 31: What You Resist Persists

    13/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    I want to share with you something I am experiencing right now in this moment. It has taken me all day to finally sit my butt down and speak about this - because - what you resist persists, what you look at disappears. Well, this is my attempt to look at something which has been persisting for a very long time, and my hope in sharing this with you is that it too well help you dissolve something in your life which you are ready to let go of. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 30: The Sentence That Changed My Life

    12/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    In 2013 I was ready to get married again. With an engagement ring picked out and the proposal all planned, I honestly felt it was time to tie the knot. But there was one problem - it wasn’t Melissa - it wasn’t my ‘one’. So what stopped me in the final hour? Just one sentence... For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 29: Nothing Good Comes From Closing

    09/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Today I want to share with you something hat has really helped Melissa and I in our relationship. I believe the greatest journey we can take is only about a foot long... from our head to our heart. Anything that can help us remember to get back into the heart space is absolute gold, because it is not always easy! This means so much to me, and has been so powerful in our lives that I wrote a song about it... Open Wide. I believe what you are about to learn has the power to transform not only yourself, but all your relationships as well. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 28: The Power Of The Bromance

    08/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    I truly believe that the modern bromance has the power to transform the world. Today I want to share with you the impact my main bromances have had on my life, why I hug (and sometimes kiss) all men I meet, and how the world can be an even more beautiful place with more ‘strong and warm’ men who use love as their operating system. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 27: Creating Success On Your Terms

    07/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this world of instant gratification and Insta-perfection, it’s easy for us to lose track of how success looks to each of us. But once you know the one thing we are all here to do, and how to build that into your very own success statement, all of a sudden your future can become very clear. So it’s time to get clear on your own definition of success and start to live life on your terms. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 26: My Depression Confession

    05/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    It’s 3:41am on New Years Day, 2018. I can’t sleep. Out of nowhere comes this compulsion to get out of bed and just get super real with you on Instagram Stories. This is the moment I shifted my state from focusing on myself to my Self… to being of service. This is the moment that The Nick Broadhurst Show was born, and it was all captured live. I never intended to make this available to the public for ever, but how can I talk about being open, being vulnerable, if I don’t share this with you again. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 25: I ‘Think’ I Was Enlightened

    05/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    I have been very candid about what I went through in 2017, and there was one particular experience which was one of the most powerful things I have ever been ‘gifted’. This is a story I have been sharing as part of my current Open Wide Australian Tour and I feel that there is so much in this for all of us. This is definitely one of those times when I feel super vulnerable talking about such an intimate part of my life, but I also feel the complete polarity, which is absolute gratitude, that I have come through the other side to share this with you today. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 24: Ayurveda Series 1 - Kapha/Endomorph Body Type

    02/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today we dive into the Kapha/Endomorph body type. I feel bad for this body type because it seems to be the one that few people are proud of. But here's the thing - every body type has its pros and cons - but the Kapha Endomorph has some incredible positives which when understood and kept in balance, can lead to a very long, healthy and happy life. Remember the whole point of this Ayurveda Series 1 is to have you totally own and be proud of your body type! And if you have Kapha in you… well you are super blessed! Be proud of your genetic gift! Listen to this series in order… Ayurveda Series 1 - What Is Your Body Type? Ayurveda Series 1 - Vata/Ectomorph Body Type Ayurveda Series 1 - Pitta/Mesomorph Body Type This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... www.iam

  • 23: Ayurveda Series 1 - Pitta/Mesomorph Body Type

    01/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today we are continuing the Ayurveda Series 1 by taking a deep dive into the Pitta or Mesomorph body type. If you are prone to being demanding, are a perfectionist, a workaholic, get red bloodshot eyes, skin rashes, acne, acid reflux and sometimes a bit angry... then you are not going to want to miss this! The Pitta dosha controls digestion, metabolism, and energy production. The primary function of Pitta is transformation. Those with a predominance of the Pitta principle have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind. Listen to this series in order… Ayurveda Series 1 - What Is Your Body Type? Ayurveda Series 1 - Vata/Ectomorph Body Type This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhu

  • 22: Ayurveda Series 1: Vata/Ectomorph Body Type

    31/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    You may have heard the terms Vata, Pitta and Kapha thrown about by myself and other people online. But what does it all mean and how can these three strange words completely transform your life? My goal for the Ayurveda Series 1 is to totally empower you to own your body type. You are unique and beautiful and you will learn in this series all the pros and cons of each body type. This information has transformed my entire world, and it will for you too. Today we are going to focus on the Vata body type, also known in modern science as the Ectomorph body type. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 21: Ayurveda Series 1 - What Is Your Body Type?

    30/01/2018 Duration: 14min

    What I am going to share with you today is in my opinion one of the most empowering things for us all to understand! This is a teaser of what you can expect in my Ayurveda Series 1 of podcasts, focused on the three main Ayurvedic doshas... Vata, Pitta and Kapha, also known in the modern medical world as Ectomorph, mesomorph and Endomorph. Once you understand your own unique body type, you will come to truly 'own' your beautiful body in a way you never dreamed possible. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 20: Can You Really Throw Away Your Water Filter?

    29/01/2018 Duration: 13min

    What if I told you there is another state of water that is not solid, liquid, or vapor? This recent discovery is called the ‘fourth phase of water’ and today we are going to talk about what you can do to charge up your drinking water, take it back to it’s natural energetic state, and deliver more energy into your cells… and maybe, throw away your water filter… P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 19: You Are One Step Away From Changing Your Life

    26/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you had a super power which allowed you to create positive change in your life whenever you wanted? Well it just so happens that you do, and it is actually a lot easier, and a lot closer than you may think... For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

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