Broad New World

34: Bless Thy Food



Over the past couple of weeks we have been getting into some pretty deep topics. We have covered depression, enlightenment, success, bromance love, staying open wide, living from the heart, the one sentence that changed my life, what we resist persists and an orgasm a day keeps the divorce lawyer away. So today is something a bit lighter. My goal with The Nick Broadhurst Show is to share something each day that we can all easily implement into our lives, and today’s topic is something I guarantee we can all do starting today, and hopefully make this a part of our lives for the rest of our lives. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play