Broad New World

23: Ayurveda Series 1 - Pitta/Mesomorph Body Type



Today we are continuing the Ayurveda Series 1 by taking a deep dive into the Pitta or Mesomorph body type. If you are prone to being demanding, are a perfectionist, a workaholic, get red bloodshot eyes, skin rashes, acne, acid reflux and sometimes a bit angry... then you are not going to want to miss this! The Pitta dosha controls digestion, metabolism, and energy production. The primary function of Pitta is transformation. Those with a predominance of the Pitta principle have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind. Listen to this series in order… Ayurveda Series 1 - What Is Your Body Type? Ayurveda Series 1 - Vata/Ectomorph Body Type This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhu