The Letters Page

Interlude 5 - Dark Watch



A team of misfits and shady characters who have to protect each other in a city - and a world - that's safe for no one! It's time to talk Dark Watch. Show Notes: Run Time: 32:01 A very brief overview before jumping right in on your questions! Also, here's the upcoming episode release schedule! May 30th: Chokepoint June 6th: K.N.Y.F.E. June 13th: Sergeant Steel & F.I.L.T.E.R. June 20th: The Naturalist June 27th: Deadline/Lifeline June 29th: Interlude - Maintenance Mode! July 4th: Chrono-Ranger Whew! Get those Chokepoint & K.N.Y.F.E. questions in TODAY! See you soon!