The Letters Page

Episode 16 - Absolute Zero



Today, we talk about a character with as depressing a name as his backstory! Hooray? Show Notes: Run Time: 87:33 Right off the bat, we get started with the story of the FIRST Absolute Zero! Surprise! Just after the 3 minute mark, we lose our highly focused train of thought and devolve into madness, discussing the difference in scariness between Nazis and Nazi Ghosts. And then what to do about ghosts. We do this for... minutes. And then return to the backstory of the first Absolute Zero. There's no excuse for our behavior. We do get into some of the backstory of the Golden Age of Sentinel Comics in the first fifteen minutes of this episode. We also goof around a bit.  Then! We finally get into Absolute Zero. The Absolute Zero you all know and love, that is. At 19:28, I get ahead of myself and talk about a thing that I wanted to save for the Q&A portion... but it didn't get cut, so you get to hear what it sounds like when I change my mind on something I'm saying! Yay? Behind the scenes! Around the 25 minut