The Letters Page

Episode 18 - Unity



It everyone's favorite robot builder: Unity!   Show Notes: Run Time: 68:10 First thing, right off the bat, we talk about a survey. This is a link to that survey! Please do take a moment to fill it out, as it will help us grow and improve The Letters Page.  Then, we're on to talk about television! Because that's what this show is about! Adam requested just after 12 minutes into the podcast that I put his address in the show notes. No one tell him that I'm not doing that. Just trust me; it's for the best. We talk about Unity's parents' history a bit, and how her mom was injured during the Yom Kippur War. At about twenty minutes in, we quickly give away that during the OblivAeon event, Unity builds a massive T. Rex bot. It's pretty dang cool.  And then! We go right to questions! Flying in the face of tradition! What is even happening?! Lots of great info in today's Q&A segment. We're getting more and more free with information. Which is good! Just after the 28 minute mark, we go into a bit of Unity's naming