Love-based Money

Episode #30 - Joanna Lindenbaum on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Download this Episode Creating Outstanding Client Results to Generate Abundance. In this episode, Michele interviews Joanna Lindenbaum, transformational coach and facilitator. On the podcast, she shares advice for coaches and healers who want to grow their businesses—and it's unusual advice, in the transformational industry of today. In this episode, you learn: The inner and outer shifts Joanna made to start and maintain the flow of abundance in her life – in terms of finances, time, and self-care. The surprising place to look if you're not earning what you want to earn—and why this may go against what you've heard, recently, about increasing your income. Where the transformational industry has gone awry, and what you can do to stay on track to ensure your clients get results and that you experience success. The amazing thing that happens when your clients get amazing results, and where to place your focus to generate this incredible experience. Why it's not enough to have a great business model, marketing p