Brand Newsroom



Brand Newsroom is a marketing podcast for anyone who has a say in how companies are communicating. It focuses on content marketing, brand journalism, public relations, the media and advertising. Podcast hosts James Lush, Nic Hayes and Sarah Mitchell provide practical advice and great tips while guests include some of the biggest names in global marketing.


  • BNR 57: Unplugging from Technology

    13/10/2015 Duration: 18min

    When was the last time you went a day without your mobile phone? As Sarah Mitchell returns from her off-the-grid holiday, she re-joins the Brand Newsroom team to discuss how individuals and brands can benefit from unplugging from technology and re-booting your creativity.

  • BNR 56: Snowballing Social Media Crises

    06/10/2015 Duration: 19min

    Are you careful about posting to social media? From a brand perspective, what one individual posts online could come back to bite the entire business. This week, James Lush and Nic Hayes of the Brand Newsroom team discuss what you should and shouldn't say on social media, and how to respond when social media crises arise.

  • BNR 55: Assembling the Right Team

    30/09/2015 Duration: 18min

    How do you select a team for a new project or business? In light of a question put to the Brand Newsroom team this week, James, Sarah and Nic discuss what to look for, and what to watch out for. When it comes to a new website, do you hire a designer or a copywriter first? The team discuss best practice, and give examples from their own experiences.

  • BNR 54: Content Marketing World Rundown

    22/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    Following her recent trip to Content Marketing World in Cleveland, Sarah Mitchell returns to the Brand Newsroom studio and shares what she heard, what she learned, what she loved, and what she didn't love from the 3-day event. The team discuss why Content Marketing World will no longer be coming to Australia, and what this means for the local industry.

  • BNR 53: Localised Content With Global Appeal

    15/09/2015 Duration: 16min

    Does your brand have a global audience? To appeal to audiences in different locations, it's imperative you consider their language, customs and culture. According to the Brand Newsroom team, if you fail to localise your content you appear as though you don't care about your audience. What adaptations should you be making to your content?

  • BNR 52: Blabbing On Our First Birthday

    08/09/2015 Duration: 15min

    The Brand Newsroom podcast is officially one year old, so what have we learned in a year? This week the team discuss their birthday Blab, and what new social media channels such as Blab can mean for brands. According to the team, if you can't justify why you need to use a new channel, it probably isn't for you.

  • BNR 51: Online Reviews for Your Brand

    01/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    If you receive particularly good service, are you likely to leave a review? This week the Brand Newsroom Team are joined by Nicholas Lembo from Yelp to discuss review websites and how they can impact businesses. According to Nic, brands have a huge potential for building trust, as long as they engage in the right way.

  • BNR 50: What Should I Do With My Website?

    25/08/2015 Duration: 19min

    Does anyone really like their website? For a lot of managers, a company website is an ongoing yet necessary inconvenience, requiring a continuous cycle of improvement. This week the Brand Newsroom team discuss what business should be doing when it comes to their website.

  • BNR 49: In-house or Outsourced Content?

    18/08/2015 Duration: 16min

    What’s the right ratio between in-house and outsourced content? The decision between the two is one that almost every marketing manager struggles with, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. This week the Brand Newsroom team discuss what should guide these choices in order to maintain the consistency and quality required for maximum effect.

  • BNR 48: Authenticity vs. Over-Sharing

    11/08/2015 Duration: 17min

    Content marketing often advocates an honest and open approach, but where is the line between authenticity and oversharing when it comes to your content? In light of an unusual press release from inbound marketing company Hubspot, this week the Brand Newsroom team discuss when candidness can become detrimental to brand image.

  • BNR 47: Road to Content Marketing Success

    04/08/2015 Duration: 21min

    Looking for a case study for content marketing success? Look no further than Ventura Home Group, who have built several loyal communities and excellent content brands. Despite their success, according to Ventura Marketing Strategist Ryan Northover, the road wasn't always straight-forward. What obstacles should you expect when implementing a content marketing strategy, and how can you easily overcome them?

  • BNR 46: Tweet Perth and the Value of Online Community

    28/07/2015 Duration: 20min

    Tweet Perth is an example of how focussing on building your audience and online community can lead you to content marketing success. This week, the Brand Newsroom Team interview Adam Barrell, the founder of Tweet Perth, to discuss his journey in creating the highly successful content brand.

  • BNR 45: Getting More Earned Media

    22/07/2015 Duration: 21min

    Are you using earned media as effectively as you could be? While people tend to associate content marketing with online and social media, this week the Brand Newsroom team argue that publishing content effectively means working closely with traditional media. With years of experience working in the space, Nic Hays and James Lush reveal some insider tips to maximise your success when publishing content through earned media.

  • BNR 44: Keeping Consistent

    14/07/2015 Duration: 20min

    How consistent do you need to be to maximise the impact of your content? This week the Brand Newsroom team discuss the importance of being consistent, and how to act like a publisher in order to adhere to a strict consistency. According to the Brand Newsroom team, consistency in content marketing can be like a diet. You read about it, get excited about the potential, stay on track for a month or so, but quit when it gets hard. Is your brand falling off the bandwagon?

  • BNR 43: The Distribution Challenge

    07/07/2015 Duration: 23min

    So you've got great content, now what? Distribution is a key element of the content marketing mix that many brands struggle with. In this episode the Brand Newsroom team discuss tactics of distribution including using PR to engage media outlets, investing in sponsored social media links, and recycling content for new audiences.

  • BNR 42: 30-Second TVCs and the 2x4 Approach

    30/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    According to the Brand Newsroom team, 30 second television commercials are like being whacked between the eyes by a four by two, and this approach is losing effectiveness. What are the alternatives available to brands? Should brands sponsor entire programs, adopt product placement, or adapt to 15 second slots? Or should brands move to platforms like YouTube instead?

  • BNR 41: A Time of Major Change

    23/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    More articles and reports are pointing towards one inescapable fact, major changes are going on in the world of marketing and advertising. With global giants like Apple entering the brand journalism space, will brands finally pull their heads out of the sand and seek alternative options to traditional advertising?

  • BNR 40: The death of mass marketing

    16/06/2015 Duration: 20min

    Is the era of mass marketing drawing to a close? With all the major TV networks now struggling to find the revenues they once commanded, has the public now made it clear they are looking at alternative options? What does this mean for advertisers? The lazy "chuck it at a wall and see what sticks" approach may have died, but what is the future? Can brands now potentially spend less and yet be more effective in reaching their carefully targeted audiences?

  • BNR 39: Mid-Year Review

    08/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    As we approach the middle of the year, the Brand Newsroom team reflect on the changes and trends seen over the past 6 months in the content marketing space. According to the team, organisations are starting to adopt patience and long-term authentic perspectives about their businesses that lend themselves to content marketing. What changes will we see over the next 6 months? Stay tuned to Brand Newsroom to find out.

  • BNR 38: Gen Y Wake-up Call

    28/05/2015 Duration: 20min

    Charlie Caruso, author of 'Understanding Y', joins the Brand Newsroom team to discuss how media outlets and content producers must adapt to appeal to a Gen Y Audience. There are several characteristics of Gen Y such as their undeveloped loyalty and aptitude for technology that make them unique. Can businesses rise to the challenge to target them?

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