Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

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Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • They Like You; They Like You Not ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark I will admit - I like to be liked.  What about you? Doesn't it just make things a bit easier when people like you?  Life is a bit happier ~ you might also feel a little more confident.  And what about when people don't like you?  Or possibly worse, when they stop liking you?  Kinda throws us for a loop, doesn't it?  Sometimes, it can throw us for a super duper loop. And sometimes we might even feel like it could crush us.  So what do we choose in those moments? As always, I am inviting you to stop trying to make sense of it - what if when people just don't like us, or stop liking us, we did not have to figure anything out or understand it?  Join me this week, for a candid look at some of my recent experiences with learning how to let people not like you. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to

  • The Magic of Music ~ Guest, Jay Adkins


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Do you like music?  Do you find it inspiring, soothing, exciting, inviting...and a whole bunch of "ings" that are pretty much awesome?  Music can change us - it can change our body.  Music can change our brain.  Music can change our life.  Music can change our world.  So what is this Magic of Music? I am Honored and Excited to welcome my Very Special - and Magical - Guest, Jay Adkins, this week to celebrate the Magic of Music.  Jay is my Brilliant co-creator and the producer of Global Embrace ~ a new song we premiered last week (February 28, 2017).  I am Delighted to get to share him - and his music - with you this week. Jay Adkins was a scholarship student at University of North Texas where he received a Bachelor of Music in Music Theory. He completed his Master of Music in Music Theory from Southwestern while a Teaching Fellow there, and did additional doctoral work at UNT. For 30+ years he's been composing, arranging, producing, and performing in and around

  • What if You Just Ask For a Question?


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark You're probably familiar with asking questions, right?  What about asking for questions?  Huh?...  Yep - it's actually a fantastic tool to use when you get stuck.  Wanna play with that? Join Keisha this week for, well, questions!  Haha!  The call lines and the Chat Room are open,  if you would like to ask for a question during the show - Where could you be willing to let the question take you? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ And if you haven't heard about the new song, Global Embrace, from Keisha Clark & Jay Adkins - you can go here - Or email your questions and comments to

  • Are You Saying “NO” to Your Knowing? ~ Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark We have our cognitive knowing and we also have (what Keisha calls) our beyond cognitive knowing, or our "Knowing, with a capital K."  You might have heard Keisha ask the question (a few hundred times) "What do You Know?"  In case you were wondering if she was secretly testing your IQ, fear not - she is actually asking you to tap in to your Knowing.  But if you are saying "no" to your Knowing, that makes it a little challenging to tap into it, right?  So what does all that matter, anyway?  Well, it doesn't have to - and - if  you are desiring more self-esteem, greater trust in you, and/or more confidence, it actually does matter.   And here's the tricky bit - You might not even know you are saying no to your Knowing (shocking, right?)! [insert surprise face emoji here] Join Keisha for this week's beyond linear adventure to start letting go of your "no" and have more of your Knowing. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ And you

  • Have You Turned Your ING On?


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Do you know what your ING is?  Do you know where your ING is?  Do you only bring it out for special occasions?  Have you packed it away or lost it altogether?  ...What if you truly turned it On and brought it out Every Day?  And even played with it in public? We are playing with our ING this week - beyond linear style - so bring Your ING and let's see how much Fun we can have, turning them on, eh? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to

  • For Love AND Money ~ Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Do you find it interesting how love is more often paired with marriage, than money?  There's "love and marriage" and "for love or money", but seldom do we hear about "love and money".  Curious, eh?  Some people say the two can't go together.  Have you bought that point of view as real for you?  How about we let go of all the crazy rules and beliefs around love and money (well, as many as we can in one show) and start playing with what they actually could create, if we let them get together?  Would they make beautiful babies?  Would they build an empire?  Would they maybe make your life a whole lot more fun?  ...even if it didn't make any sense? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to Join the FREE "Pleasuring Money" class that begins 2/21/17 and runs for 6 weeks. Is now the time to make money your pleasure? To join the Facebook group, please go here: https://ww

  • Letting Your Yes Have Its Way with You ~ Guests, Jen Halterman & Jeni Burgess


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark How often do you say "yes" - to anything?  Does the energy of yes exist in your world?  Do you have conditions to have a yes?  Do you have a yes quota?  Do you have to have your "no" before you can get to your "yes"?  What if yes does not have to be complicated or loaded?  Would you be willing to play more with that? Keisha welcomes Jen Halterman and Jeni Burgess this week, for a beyond linear look into the adventures of Yes.  Could "yes" be more fun, if we stopped asking it to make sense? And where could your "yes" take you, if you let it? Jen Halterman and Jeni Burgess are the co-hosts of The Girl Talk Show - where they are talking about bodies, sex and being women.  Jen & Jeni are also each creators of magnitude with their own work in the personal development and transformation arena.  They have now created a book club for 2017, based on the best selling book by Shonda Rhimes ~ Year of Yes.  This is your invitation to jump into more Yes!  Check it out on Fa

  • Could You Be a Kindness Ninja? ~ Guest, Alun Jones


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What do you get when you combine kindness with consciousness?  Have you ever experienced kindness in a way that totally surprised you?  What did that create in your world?  What if kindness is really a potency we have long over-looked?  And what if you know way more about it than you have ever acknowledged? What if you have secret ninja skills with kindness that are ready to be activated now? Keisha is excited to welcome Awesome Alun Jones to this week's adventure in Living Beyond Linear, for an exploration of kindness - what it can create, change, and possibly even destroy.  What if your kindness does not have to make any sense, to be truly kind to you? Alun is the creator and host of Kick Ass Kindness ~ an interview series to inspire and ignite a world where kindness prevails.  It begins February 1st, and you can jump in and play, here - Alun Jones empowers people to embrace their Awesomeness.  He knows that more is

  • Shake What Ya Mama & Ya Papa Gave Ya!


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Who did you bring together, to create your baby body for you?  And how are you wearing those genes?  Have you made your DNA your story and your limitation of choice?  How big did you come here to play?  And what do you Know is possible and available to you, beyond genetics and DNA? Get ready to throw making sense of your biology right out the window and shake whatcha mama and ya papa gave ya, right on Up.  Join us for this week's adventure in Living Beyond Linear! Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to

  • Moving Heaven and Earth ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What would it be like to function from the entirety of your existence?  What if you can commune with all of the elements?  And what if you began including All of you in the creation of your life - the strange, the wonderful, and everything in between - with no expectation that is make any sense? Keisha is beginning a new adventure this week, with a new show -  exploring what is beyond logical and explainable – that actually empowers us to be creating, living and loving our lives. Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to

  • All We Are Is Changing ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Some people can change their whole life in an instant while others seem to take their whole life to change one thing.  How would you say you do, with change, and changing?   Do you have ease with change?  Do you have ease with choosing it?  Would you like to? This week we dive into all things "change" in a celebration of the potent creators we truly be! You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear and You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Are Your Beliefs Deceiving You? ~ with Keisha Clark


    Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark "Limiting beliefs" is a very popular term in the coaching and healing arena.  What about all of our "other" beliefs?  Are they really doing us any favors?  The question is - are there any "beliefs" we can have, that don't create a limitation for ourselves?  Do our beliefs actually deceive us? Come play with Keisha this week, as she explores what becomes possible and available to us, when we go beyond our beliefs? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~     And @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Bodies Imitating Life ~ Guest, Dawn C. Meyer


    Have you ever wondered about where your body takes its cues from?  Is it the things you say directly to your body? Or is it the "little" things you think, maybe even say out loud, that you don't even acknowledge you are thinking (and saying)?  And what about the life you are (consciously or unconsciously) creating?  What if our bodies are giving us exactly what we are asking for? Keisha welcomes Dawn Meyer to the show this week, to play with some questions and awareness around bodies imitating life.  What are we actually asking our bodies to be and do, for and with us? Dawn C. Meyer uses her unique combination of skills to get people out of their pain, trauma, drama and stories and into creating a life of expanded possibilities! She assists them to bring more ease and joy to their lives by helping them discover that they have more choices and possibilities for changing what isn't working in their lives than they ever thought they had. Dawn is an empowering coach, energy healer, best-selling author, Access Con

  • Home for Christmas ~ with Keisha Clark


    We have a lot of ways we talk about "home" ~ "Home is where the heart is", "Home is where you hang your hat", "There's no place like home", "Finding our way back home", "I'll be home for Christmas", "Bring him home", our "home planet" ~ from various expressions to song titles and more.  So what is "home", really?  Is it a place we have to create, or get to, or start out, or end up?  Is it the mark of success in our lives?  Is it little more than a place we store all our stuff?  And what is it about the holidays that get a lot of us all sentimental about "home"? Join Keisha for this exploration of finding, getting, going, and being Home. You can find Keisha on Facebook ~     And @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Spirits for the Holidays! ~ with Keisha Clark


    We've Got Spirits! and the holidays can sometimes be even more active with what might seem like more Spirits coming to visit - have you ever had that experience?  So what are the possibilities to have more ease with the Spirits for the the holidays?  We are playing with that, this week!  So bring your questions, bring your awareness, call in for a mini-reading - Who or what would like to show up for this conversation and perhaps be a contribution to you?  Join Keisha, and the Spirits, for this week's conversation, and see what Spirits may be desiring to contribute to You! You can find Keisha on Facebook ~     And @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Is it Time to Give the Horse Its Head?


    If you have spent any time around horses, or horse people, you may have heard this expression.  It essentially refers to allowing your horse to do what it knows to do, whether that is to keep a cow cut from the herd, or to gallop full out, or to navigate the terrain and possibly get you back home if you get lost. We are playing with the metaphor of giving the horse its head, this week ~ looking at our lives and what choices we can explore when we find ourselves far from home or feeling lost.  Yes, it is about letting loose the rein - and - much more.  Are you finding yourself creating struggle and confusion in your life at the moment?  Is it time to give your horse its head? Play more with Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • What’s Feeding You? ~ Guest, Crystal Gordon


    What truly feeds you?  Are you soaking up the yumminess of life?  Are you eating plenty of food yet still hungering? Do you allow yourself to explore what nurtures your body and your spirit? Keisha welcomes Crystal Gordon this week, for a conversation about the things that provide sustenance - to our bodies and our lives - and how our health is about so much more than what we put on our plate. Crystal Gordon is an Emotional Eating Coach and Digestive Wellness Expert who helps women create a healthier relationship with food while learning how to prepare delicious meals that fuel their busy lifestyle. She works with women around the world who are ready to unleash the goddess within and uncover a body they'll love without extremes or restrictions. She believes that Diet is not just about what you eat – it is about Whole-Self nourishment. You can learn more about Crystal and check out her Fabulous Holiday Offer, here - Joy to Good Health - 90 Days of Balanced Bliss You can find Keisha on Facebook ~  @LivingBeyond

  • Where the Hell Did My Happy Place Go?! ~ with Keisha Clark


    What is the deal with our "happy place"?  Do you find sometimes you can get there pretty quickly and others times it seems like you have lost the map?  Is happy even possible when all hell breaks loose? Keisha is back from a week of intensive facilitation and has some new awarenesses she is bringing to this week's conversation.  What would it be like to have ease finding your happy place - no matter what hell you feel like you fell into, or what is going on for anyone else?  Would that make you arrogant?  Or delusional?  Or something else? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • One-Double-Oh! ~ with Keisha Clark


    What does Keisha do, to celebrate Living Weal show #100?!  Join her this week, and find out! You can find Keisha on Facebook ~     And @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Human Being ~ with Keisha Clark


    Have you ever used the expressions "I'm only human" or "I'm a spiritual being having a human experience"? Have you heard other people use those expressions?  What do you notice when they are spoken - do they create lightness or expansion in your world?  Or does the energy get heavy? This week, we are exploring Human ~ Experience? Experiment? Excuse? Or Something Else? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

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