Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

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  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark. Do you find yourself getting really frustrated with the whole figuring your life out thing?  Are you exhausting yourself, trying to apply methods to your life that simply DO NOT work for You?  Have you always felt like You are different; that you actually function in a different way than all the methods and the systems say you are supposed to but you have no idea how to be the different you be? What if the life that Truly works for You actually cant make sense?  What if there is soooo much more available outside the lines, and beyond the logical explanations that could truly empower you to be creating, living and loving your life?  ~ Keisha Clark is inviting you to Stop asking your life to make sense and Start Living Beyond Linear! Keisha is a happily unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence.  She speaks to All of the energies having to do with changing what you desire to change people, animals, elements, places and things.  Keisha brings her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness and her willingness to put every topic on the table for discussion, and she offers it to you with No judgment and No expectation of you.  She will challenge you to shift your perspectives and shatter your limitations! Keisha Clark


  • Choosing Out of Abuse and Into Aliveness! Guest, Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Does abuse take choice away from you?  That is what we are exploring this week, with a Very Special Guest, Dr. Lisa Cooney!  Keisha is Super Excited to welcome Dr. Lisa to the show, and to invite YOU to her upcoming Embace Your ROAR and AC 3 Day Body Class in Utah, November 2nd through 7th! Abuse shows up in so many ways, and for many of us it is actually more "normal" than not.  So when it comes to choosing different, or choosing more for ourselves; what can that be like?  It's one thing to think we would know what we would choose, and totally another thing to actually be choosing.  Dr. Lisa is a Beautiful invitation to actually be choosing - choosing for you, choosing your different. Join Keisha and Dr. Lisa this week, as they explore choosing out of abuse and into aliveness.  It does not have to be difficult - and - it never shows up the way you think it will.  Are you ready to reclaim your choice? You can find more Dr. Lisa at and enjoy her weekly radio show

  • We’ve Got Spirits! October Friday Freestyle Q&A with Keisha


    We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us!  This week is the October Freestyle Question & Awareness show!  Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party, she is devoting one show each month to offer her medium-ship to those who desire to call in with questions!  So bring your questions and ask Keisha anything - and have a reading! If you missed Keisha's coming out party episode for her Intuitive Medium-ship, you can catch it here - You can find Keisha on Facebook ~  @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Breath of Life; Kiss of Death


    Do you allow yourself to get present with your breath; your breathing?  Have you ever acknowledged the Magic of breathing?  Basically, breathing is the primary requirement for our body to function ~ yes?  So, are you engaging your breath? Are you engaging your body, your life, your world - with your breath?  And what about those you admire, adore, and love?  When you offer a kiss, are you kissing them as an honoring of them, as a sharing of you? - or are you sucking the life out of them? Join Keisha this week for an exploration of the magic of breath, kisses, and what we can create with both. You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • BassAckwards! ~ with Keisha Clark


    Have you ever heard the term - "bassackwards"?  It's a slightly emphatic expression, and fitting for what we will be talking about this week.  Have you been told you are backwards because of the way you do some of the things you do?  I have.  And I find that most of what I see as the conventional methods of functioning and creating, actually seem insanely backwards to me.  Anyone else noticing that? Join me for this conversation and let us explore what is backwards and forwards, and where we are in all of it - and what key might we be, to a totally different reality? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • We’ve Got Spirits! September Freestyle Friday Q&A with Keisha


    We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us!  This week is the September Freestyle Question & Awareness show!  Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party, she is devoting one show each month to offer her medium-ship to those who desire to call in with questions!  So bring your questions and ask Keisha anything - and have a reading! If you missed Keisha's coming out party episode for her Intuitive Medium-ship, you can catch it here - You can find Keisha on Facebook ~  @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

  • Not On My Watch! ~ with Keisha Clark


    Truth - does showing up as different expressions of the Universe mean that we are separate?  So - Here's the dealio - I am no longer willing to entertain the lie of separation - Period.  How bout you? Join me this week for a candid discussion about the willingness to let go of the lie that pervades our entire existence - the lie that we are separate and somehow less than (a ruling deity, another person, an organization, etc).  If you are frustrated with anything in your life, it is highly likely this lie is living somewhere in your world - hidden and camouflaged - and is keeping you locked in the cycles of frustration.  Each of us is the Key to our Freedom ~ are you willing to have Yours? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexu

  • Would you Like Facebook to be your Friend? ~ Guest Jenn Possick


    Are you frustrated trying to grow your business through social media? Are you confused about how others make it look so easy? About ready to unfriend Facebook? Then get ready for Keisha's guest this week - Jenn Possick is here to help! Jenn helps Consciousness Entrepreneurs and network marketers use Facebook to monetize their passion and get more traffic, more engagement, and more sales – for less frustration and way more fun!  Does that peak your curiosity? If you are ready to up-level Your social media savvy, you definitely want to join this conversation with Keisha and Jenn! With a Master’s in Education and 8 years’ experience teaching elementary school, Jenn Possick excels at breaking things down and making them easy to digest.   She has combined her forward-thinking creativity and her dissatisfaction of ordinary and average results to learn everything she can about marketing on Facebook to improve her family’s business and now to help others get awesome results online as well.  Learn more about Jenn and

  • How Stupid Do You Have to (make yourself) Be?!


    Were you born stupid, or do you have to work at it? (did that get your attention?) What?!  ...well, take a look at it, and really check in with your awareness - what do you get?  Are ya stupid? If your life is not working, if you are not where you would like to be, if you don't have enough money (or any money) in your bank account, if you are still working on the same problems you were working on when you were twenty-four - if, If, IF - you must be stupid...right?  ...or, are you making yourself stupid?  Surely you would not do that...would you? Get ready for some button-pushing and some "holy moly" moments; we're going stupid huntin' with a quiver full of questions - and we are taking no prisoners! You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Special 20/20 Summer Offer here - Play with Keisha and Alun on August 23rd - Choosing Beyond Beyond And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and

  • WHO Are You Wearing?


    In the fashion industry, this question is on everyone's lips - curious to know what designer you have chosen to celebrate by donning their creation on your body.  What about who you are wearing, before you even put any clothes on?  Have you ever considered that?  Do you ever look at parts of your body and having the thought "wow, that is my _?'s_ hands"?  One theory is that our biology dictates what our bodies look like - and what if that is not necessarily so? Keisha is exploring more with bodies this week - and the many suits we put on them, that have little to do with clothing.  So - WHO are YOU wearing? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • We’ve Got Spirits! ~ August Freestyle Friday Q&A with Keisha


    We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us!  This is the August Freestyle Question & Awareness show!  Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party, she is devoting one show each month to offer her medium-ship to those who desire to call in with questions!  So bring your questions and ask Keisha anything - and have a reading! If you missed Keisha's coming out party episode for her Intuitive Medium-ship, you can catch it here - You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha - just click to  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • What if They Hate You?


    What do you do when you are met with someone's anger, dislike, prejudice or hatred?  Those moments can be some of the most challenging to remember we do have a choice.  So how do we get to the choice, before we go into reaction?  And what choice is available to us, if and when we do go into reaction? Join the conversation with Keisha this week, for some different awareness and possibilities with other peoples' hatred...and the hatred we may be harboring.  Is there really a way to change this? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • Being Weird in a Room Full of Weirdos


    Do you ever feel like you are an odd one, even in a room full of odd people?  Does that make you super weird?  Do you find yourself trying to be a certain kind of weird, or not be a certain kind of weird?  Or does your weird show up in a particular way?  What would it be like, if we had never been introduced to the notion of weird as something that separates us? What if there was no wrongness in weird; just something really cool for us to play with?  Keisha invites you to bring your weird out to play this week, and explore the possibilities your weird brings to the world. You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha - just click to Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • Desire and Don’t-Wants ~ Guest Jeneen Yungwirth


    How much of our lives are we creating from what we don't want to create?  Is your life leaving you wanting for more?  Have you made your lists and meditated and peeled the layers and smudged you house and proclaimed your truth; and you still don't seem to be getting to this amazing life you are supposed to be having? Keisha welcomes Jeneen Yungwirth this week to play with the energy of desire and don't-wants, and what else is possible to get to the amazing part of our amazing lives. Jeneen Yungwirth is an author, speaker, and facilitator of consciousness and change.  She is also the Host of Just Show Up! with Jeneen radio show on    Her book: You Are Not Alone - A personal journey into mediumship and connecting to the otherside shares her own experiences of choosing into more of her capacities as a Medium.  Jeneen is inviting people into accessing their knowing and acknowledging themselves as the creators of their lives.  Jeneen believes this is where the true magic of living a life of ease, joy and

  • We’ve Got Spirits! ~ July Freestyle Friday Q&A with Keisha


    We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us!  This is the July Freestyle Question & Awareness show!  Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party, she is devoting one show each month to offer her medium-ship to those who desire to call in with questions!  So bring your questions and ask Keisha anything - and have a reading! If you missed Keisha's coming out party episode for her Intuitive Medium-ship, you can catch it here - You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ And -if you want to play more with Keisha - just click to Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • Speaking Your Peace ~ Guests Connie Cox and Terry Doherty


    A common expectation with conflict is that we should be able to "talk it out".  How do we do that with so many different points of view in the mix, though?  And how do we do that in a way that honors everyone involved, as best we can?  Nonviolent communication is one choice that has brought many thousands of people a way to peacefully find resolution.  Developed by Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication offers a method of compassionate communication to meet the needs of all parties involved in the conversation.  Many call it a way of teaching peace. Keisha welcomes Connie Cox and Terry Doherty this week, to talk about their work with Nonviolent Communication,  the inspiring experiences they have had teaching these courses, and how we can all incorporate nonviolent practices into our everyday lives. Terry “Td” Doherty has been practicing the language of Nonviolent Communication since 2004. She credits weekly participation in an NVC Practice Group for learning how to apply this technology in real life. “T

  • Could You Be Grateful for Your Demons?


    Demons?!  Those awful, evil, horrible, vile things!!!  They wreak havoc.  They trick us.  They suck the life from us.  Who in their right mind would be grateful for them?!  We have to do everything in our power to protect ourselves from them!... Don't we?... If you are up for a truly unconventional and controversial conversation, this is the one for you! What if just about everything we have been taught and told about demons does not have to be true for us?  What if something so completely different is actually possible with demons ~ something that does not have to be terrifying or exhausting?  What if demons - just like everything else - could be a contribution to our choosing something greater for ourselves?  And what if maybe, juuuuuust maybe, you have a bit more awareness about this than you have ever been willing to know? If you are invested in staying afraid and giving away your power - this is not a conversation for you!  If you are ready to have more freedom - this IS a conversation to join in! You ca

  • Honoring Our Father ~ with Keisha Clark


    What kind of relationship do you (or did you) have with your Father?  What is it really, to honor our Father?  What about people who did not have a father, or never met their father?  What about people whose fathers were cruel or abusive?  Is it just a made up rule that we honor our father?  Or is it "just a choice"? Join Keisha for this candid discussion on her own experiences with the men in her life, the man who was a Father to her, what that has created for her - and what it inspires her to be choosing now. You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • Ready or Not ~ Keisha is Coming Out of the Closet!


    It was bound to happen...  All the signs were there... A lot of people already had an idea this was the case...  Some people even knew it already...  And now, it seems there is nothing left to do, but just OWN IT. So this week, Keisha is outing herself and will be sharing her capacities as an Intuitive Medium ~ opening the lines to callers, for questions, readings and communications.  Do you have something that you would like to ask?  Someone you would like to ask?  Is there something or somewhere you are desiring some information and clarity?  Bring your questions and curiosities, and Keisha will bring her capacities ~ and let's see what awesomeness shows up, shall we? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.

  • What if You Are the Storm? Guest ~ Christina Divine


    Everything is going crazy!  Everything is falling apart! Everything is out of control!  Nothing is going the way it was supposed to go! AND, in the midst of it have this really strange sense that it is all going the way it needs to go...Huh?  Does any of this sound familiar to you?  What do you choose, when a storm hits your life? Keisha welcomes Christina Divine this week, for a conversation about the storms that show up in our lives ~ and what invitation they present to us. Christina Divine is a life transformational coach, actress, musician and artist who celebrates the unique-ness of each of us, and the magic that is possible when we are being truthful to who we really are. Christina Divine at Access Consciousness    and you can also check out Christina's Music You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking.

  • The Key to Creating a Greater World ~ Guests Betsy McLoughlin & Alun Jones


    When was the last time you truly acknowledged your brilliance?  When did we stop doing this?  How old were we when we began dimming our light?  What could we change in the world, and what change could we BE for the world,  if we would embrace how awesomely brilliant we truly are? What if now IS the time to stop hiding your brilliance and shine it out, without apology or justification? Are you willing to be that bold? Are you willing to embrace your brilliance? Keisha welcomes Betsy McLoughlin and Alun Jones this week to explore choosing our brilliance.  What if the world is calling for you to embrace your brilliance. Will you answer the call? Let’s be brilliant together! Alun Jones is a Certified Coach, and Facilitator of Awesomeness! He has been coaching and facilitating since 1992 drawing upon a diverse and wonderful range of tools, questions, and techniques to empower people to embrace their awesomeness.  Play more with Alun at Betsy McLoughlin is a Certified Facilitator and transformational

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