Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Bodies Imitating Life ~ Guest, Dawn C. Meyer



Have you ever wondered about where your body takes its cues from?  Is it the things you say directly to your body? Or is it the "little" things you think, maybe even say out loud, that you don't even acknowledge you are thinking (and saying)?  And what about the life you are (consciously or unconsciously) creating?  What if our bodies are giving us exactly what we are asking for? Keisha welcomes Dawn Meyer to the show this week, to play with some questions and awareness around bodies imitating life.  What are we actually asking our bodies to be and do, for and with us? Dawn C. Meyer uses her unique combination of skills to get people out of their pain, trauma, drama and stories and into creating a life of expanded possibilities! She assists them to bring more ease and joy to their lives by helping them discover that they have more choices and possibilities for changing what isn't working in their lives than they ever thought they had. Dawn is an empowering coach, energy healer, best-selling author, Access Con