Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

For Love AND Money ~ Keisha Clark



Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark Do you find it interesting how love is more often paired with marriage, than money?  There's "love and marriage" and "for love or money", but seldom do we hear about "love and money".  Curious, eh?  Some people say the two can't go together.  Have you bought that point of view as real for you?  How about we let go of all the crazy rules and beliefs around love and money (well, as many as we can in one show) and start playing with what they actually could create, if we let them get together?  Would they make beautiful babies?  Would they build an empire?  Would they maybe make your life a whole lot more fun?  ...even if it didn't make any sense? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Or email your questions and comments to Join the FREE "Pleasuring Money" class that begins 2/21/17 and runs for 6 weeks. Is now the time to make money your pleasure? To join the Facebook group, please go here: https://ww