Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Is it Time to Give the Horse Its Head?



If you have spent any time around horses, or horse people, you may have heard this expression.  It essentially refers to allowing your horse to do what it knows to do, whether that is to keep a cow cut from the herd, or to gallop full out, or to navigate the terrain and possibly get you back home if you get lost. We are playing with the metaphor of giving the horse its head, this week ~ looking at our lives and what choices we can explore when we find ourselves far from home or feeling lost.  Yes, it is about letting loose the rein - and - much more.  Are you finding yourself creating struggle and confusion in your life at the moment?  Is it time to give your horse its head? Play more with Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.