Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Healing Narcissistic Abuse with Quanta Freedom Healing

    14/06/2011 Duration: 01h30min

    This show is a one hour session including an individual who has been chosen for a free Quanta Freedom Healing on-air. The topic for this healing is recovery from narcissistic abuse. This show is a powerful show to listen to if you have been trying to break free and heal from the devastation of narcissistic abuse. Please note that if you would like to be the individual who experiences a future free live healing, you may apply at: radio@melanietoniaevans.com.

  • Narcissistic Central: Men in Narcissitic Relationships

    31/05/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    This show was a pre-recorded show interviewing three men who had been in narcissitically abuive relationships. Discover ho wthese men became hooked to narcissitic females and how they escaped the abuse. Please suggest this show to any man that you may know who is in, or has been in a narcissitic relationship. Also for any women listening in to this show you will learn how abuse to men, is very similar to abuse to women, and how some of the relaisations that are shared by these men may also be helpful for female recovery from narcissitic abuse.

  • Narcissistic Central: Men In Narcissistic Relationships

    27/05/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    During this show I will be interviewing men who suffered narcissistic relationships. What drew them to the narcissist woman? What hooked them in? What were the addictions / hooks that made it so difficult to remove themselves from the relationship when they knew that it clearly wasn’t healthy? How did they finally learn how to break away and stay away, and what was necessary for their recovery? What have these men understood as the gift of their narcissistic relationship? This show will be fascinating, as you will understand the similarities between all individuals regardless of gender when dealing with narcissistic abuse, and also some significant differences between men and women in regards to recovery. If you suspect that any men you know are in a narcissistic relationship, or trying to recover from one please encourage them to listen to this show! if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or any of the guys please call in number is USA (1) 347 989 1262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (1)

  • From Pain to Self-realisation through Quanta Freedom

    17/05/2011 Duration: 01h30min

    This show is a one hour session including an individual who will receive a Quanta Freedom Healing on-air. By listening in you will hear how Quanta Freedom Healing works to release you instantly from your fear, pain and blockages and releases you into the freedom to align with what you really want in life. This is a must listen to show if you have had enough of feeling stuck and feel unable to achieve your goals in any area of your life.

  • 2012 – What does it Mean? Part 4

    19/04/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this last segment of 2012 Marian will be explaining the ‘difference of dimensions’. Expand your knowledge of human evolution further with information about the Aghartans, the new generation of crystal babies, and their purpose in this time, and the incredible transformation of Gaia, which we truly are all witnessing right here, right now on a profound scale. This is the last show of the 2012 series so make sure you catch it!

  • Narcissistic Central: Spiritual Narcissists

    05/04/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    On this show Nancy and I will explore Spiritual Narcissism. There can be much disparaging and off-putting information regarding Spiritual Narcissists, which unfortunately can deter individuals from taking a spiritual journey – yet it’s very important to realise that Spiritual Narcissists do exist. Most definitely people have been molested mentally, physically and financially by spiritual ‘guru’s’. It can be daunting to put your spiritual self in the hands of another – as it is very true that many people espouse ‘spirituality’ , however may not ‘walk the talk’. Alternatively it can be very easy to trust ‘spiritual’ people who appear to live a principle centered life, yet who don’t walk the talk. Narcissists are very good at appearing ‘real’, and it can be very easy to believe a narcissist is ‘spiritual’, yet find out the hard way that they’re not. This discussion regarding Spiritual Narcissism will not only cover the common narcissist in relationships but also the public figure narcissist. Find out why co-depe

  • 2012 What Does It Mean - Part 3

    22/03/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show the fascination and information continues. Tune in to discover information regarding Lightworkers, and what ‘lightworker’ means. Marian and I will be continuing our discussion about the Arcturians (purported creators of crop circles) and their connection with scared geometry, and how they’re educating our vibration via the phenomenon of crop circles. We’ll also be discussing healing with sound vibration, and other ways to raise our frequency. I love these 2012 shows! I hope you listen in!

  • Narcissistic Central: Support for narcissistic abuse – Part 2

    08/03/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Nancy and I’ve decided to continue the discussion we had in the last show, regarding seeking and engaging in support for narcissistic abuse. What is a spiritual empowerment journey? How do we get on such a journey? What is the truth about the ‘gift’ of narcissistic abuse? How can we get past the atrocities we’ve experienced on a human level – to rise into the empowerment of ourselves at an evolved level? How can we recognise that our true liberation and evolution were always the REAL reasons for WHY this happened to us? How can we recognise that in our past, even before the narcissist, there were sign posts that we didn’t understand, and possible weren’t going to until we were flattened by the narcissistic billboard? For those who wish to expand their consciousness and REALLY heal, this show is a must listen to!

  • Manifest the Life and Love You Want: Healthy relationships and boundaries

    01/03/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    This show is about learning one of the most vital truths about manifestation - which is 'boundaries'. This show will explain to you HOW to define 'who you are' and 'who you aren't' with the use of boundaries. You’ll discover how until we’re ready and willing to walk the truth that backs who we are, the Universe can’t supply this truth. In this show you’ll learn more about boundaries and how to 'do' them in order to manifest the truths that you wish to live. Please email in any questions you have about this topic to melanie@melanietoniaevans.com, and we will help clarify them for you!

  • 2012 What Does It Mean? Part Two

    22/02/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show I’ll be asking Marian questions in regard to Atlantis, the Golden Age and the Egyptian connection, and how this all relates to us now. We will also be discussing Marian’s concepts in regard to the Galactic Federation of Light, and our genetic connection with aliens. Also this show contains fascinating information in regard to crop circles (one of my personal favourite topics!), and how our subconscious is affected by sacred geometry. If you are into expanding your consciousness, this will be a must listen to show!!

  • Narcissistic Central: Support for narcissitic abuse. How to source it and what to do for self

    08/02/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Nancy and I will be talking specifically about the necessary journey in order for you to recover from the devastating and shell-shocking trauma of narcissistic abuse. What avenues are healthy and which aren't? How can you align yourself with empowerment in order to recover and move on rather than risking feeding into more negativity and victimhood, thus being stuck in the pain? This show will explain to you the vast difference between remaining the victim and undergoing the journey of empowerment, and how you can make choices that will create your REAL healing experience, granting you the best opportunity to create the recovery, life love and expansion that you truly desire.

  • 2012 - What Does It Mean? Part One

    25/01/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    This show is about a deeper understanding of 2012. During this show I'll be talking to a guest who has a profound understanding and interest in this event. Discover what the time we live in is really about, and gain the 'food for thought' which can assist your awareness and personal growth in this time of profound shifting and expanding of consciousness. All of us, if we're really honest with ourselves, can see and feel that we're living in significant times, and most of us can feel that change is imminent and unavoidable. Learn about the shifts that are happening, what they really mean and how they relate to humanity and yourself. Will this time bring disaster? Is it a time of liberation and peace? Is 2012 a complete fallacy? After listening to the three part series, which we will be presenting once a month, you will have more information in order to choose which version relates to you.

  • Narcissistic Central: How Narcissists don't think like we do

    11/01/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    During this show Nancy and I will be discussing how it's so vital to understand that the most powerful ‘charges’ that hook us into narcissistic abuse are our dismay, and distress in regard to the the unbelievable and unjust behaviour that we just can’t get our heads around. However, when we realise 'how' narcissists think - we can accept that we’ve wanted the narcissist to behave like a 'normal' human, which is akin to expecting a crocodile not to bite. This show will enable you to gain a much better understanding of how not to be anguished, and how to be released from the trap of wanting, trying to control and force better behaviour, so that you may move forward towards a knowing of acceptance rather than the fear and pain of disbelief. This show is a MUST LISTEN to show for all individuals suffering as a result of narcissistic abuse, and as a resource to pass on to any individuals who may need this information.

  • Repeat Episode: How to Disconnect from The Narcissist Practically and Emotionally

    04/01/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Please find a repeat of my most listened to show ever. This show is valuable information for anyone wishing to remove themselves from the tormenting grip of narcissism in order to reclaim their life.

  • Life after for Myself and My Children: Recovery from a severely narcissistic relationship

    21/12/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    During this show I'll be interviewing a guest from the UK who has survived and thrived despite a violent and all-consuming narcissistic relationship. Find out how this lady escaped, gained herself back, and the steps she took to become empowered personally, practically and legally. Due to the high-level of abuse that has taken place in this lady's life, her story is nothing short of remarkable, and is a wonderful resource for any woman who has felt terrorised and trapped in a narcissistic relationship.

  • Free Live On Air GPH - Healing of the heart and the creation of my new life

    14/12/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This free on-air Group Power Healing has been specifically designed for individuals who are feeling the pain of loneliness and loss during the Christmas period. I know that when I was single and working through my self-recovery that Christmas was indeed a tough time emotionally, and as such I would love to give back and assist your emotional state at this time. If you'd like to take place in this healing please email me at melanie@melanietoniaevans.com to receive your worksheet for this event.

  • MTE Product Review - Perfect gifts

    07/12/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show  I will be discussing the Melanie Tonia Evans Christmas specials that include the empowerment resources and specials that can be the perfect foundations for the creation of the 'true you' who you wish to be next year (and for the rest of your life), or provide great personal gifts for the people that you care about. Listen in, in order to snap up a special - maybe the 2 for 1 numerology profiles that are so popular, and make a wonderful personal gift - especially for the people who you don't know what to give as presents!

  • Quanta: Feeling is Believing

    30/11/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Ali and I will be discussing more empowered information in regard to Quanta Healing. How is this healing modality evolving and offering the fastest most effective path to lining up with 'what you want' in life? Discover how by releasing the resistances that are getting in the way of your objectives, you can rise into true-self empowerment and become a direct match for the love, success and happiness you want in life. What are the resources, services and products that can assist you in getting your life right 'the easy way?' There is no more need to struggle and do life ‘tough’! Find out why not by listening to this show!

  • Kicking Co-dependency: Dissolving Co-dependency

    23/11/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Co-dependency is one of the most debilitating states of human-kind. When we're empty and trying to receive self from outside of self, we are totally controlled by life and others and will ironically try to exert more control in order to try to feel loved, secure and safe. Learn how by dissolving and letting go of your co-dependency tendencies that will discover a better way a way that does work easily, and with minimum effort. Learn about the connection with co-dependency, boundary function and narcissism. What are the definitions, and the differences that are played out in human interactions? How can you define yourself in amongst these manipulations and power plays that can occur in life? How do you become a source to yourself that can create love e, security and safety interdependently in life? Ali and I will be discussing these topics and much more!

  • Quanta Quit - controlling addictions, compulsions and weight loss guest

    16/11/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Learn how with the assistance of Quanta Healing self-sabotages and compulsions that are keeping you separated from addiction recovery can be managed. Many of us can struggle with habits and compulsions as an attempt to relieve the inner anxieties and emptiness that we may be feeling. Listen to this show and quest interview in order to realise there is an easy way to align with yourself and achieve the addiction recovery or weight loss goals that you seek. Our guest has had a history of 'trying everything' in order to lose weight and is now receiving the benefits and the results of emotional alignment that make her weight lose 'easy' as opposed to her previous failed attempts.

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