Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: What Is True Freedom

    08/11/2011 Duration: 58min

    This show is about True Freedom? What is it? How do we create it, and very importantly how do we hold on to it when we get it? How does our ‘freedom’ affect others? How can we operate in the world in win / win ways whilst still retaining our freedom? How can we, once establishing our own freedom, allow others to have theirs and release the need to control them? You will learn in this show what True Freedom is, and how it creates Authentic Power, and releases us from the pain and repercussions of False Power and the egoic need to control our life from a place of fear. . If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Interviews with individuals co-parenting with a narcissist

    01/11/2011 Duration: 01h28min

    This show is a very important one for anyone who is struggling with the agony of co-parenting with a narcissist. Learn how to assist your children and yourself practically, emotionally and vibrationally. Learn how to overcome the fear, pain and guilt that you have in regard to what is happening to your children, and learn how to empower them instead. In the show you will also learn how to not participate in your ex-partner using the children as a source of bait to hook you in for narcissistic supply. Please recommend this show to anyone you know who is suffering, and to all women in general – because there are many world-wide struggling greatly in regard to co-parenting with a narcissist.

  • Getting Love Right: How to create what you want to receive

    25/10/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Many of us have an intense focus on the disappointment and pain that we experienced in previous relationships, or what is occurring in our present relationship. We may feel stuck in feelings of resentment, not being good enough, being taken for granted or suffering the anguish of feeling rejected. How can we turn this experience around? Why is it that when we get stuck in the negativity of our situations,  it feels like no matter how much we complain and state our needs that they don’t seem to get met. Why does if feel like we are moving further and further away from being loved and not towards it? This show will offer you some revolutionary solutions in order to change your previous painful love experiences. Have a pen and a piece of paper to go through some transforming exercises!

  • Narcissistic Central: Why narcissists go after 'light'

    18/10/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Nancy and I will be talking about an incredibly interesting subject regarding narcissistic abuse. Why do narcissists get attracted to ‘good people’? What is it that they want energetically? What happens to our ‘light’ and our connection to ‘good’ when we become enmeshed with a narcissist? Anyone that has experienced or is experiencing narcissistic abuse will be totally fascinated with this show. It is highly recommended that if this has been or is your reality that you listen to this show, because truly it will explain so much. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: Feeling Safe In Life

    11/10/2011 Duration: 59min

    We are all living in times that are uncertain and certainly precarious. Our world is going through incredible earth and economic changes that are unpredictable and hovering between destruction and re-birth. How can we retain our vibration in these times? How can we not give over to the fear of uncertainly and worse case scenarios? How can we learn that our inner state is all important and the outer conditions do not dictate our creation of life? How can we ‘be in the world’ but not of the world’ to help assist the raising of consciousness within ourselves and collectively with our world? This show will assist you vibrationally in these challenging times. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Recovery from Narcissitic Abuse: Guests discussing boundarie

    04/10/2011 Duration: 01h31min

    This show is with individuals who were previously terrorised and distraught by perpetrators in their life. Discover what happened when these people took back control, aligned themselves with boundary function and their own self-empowerment and deservedness. Learn how, not only did this change their experience of abuse in life; it also changed their experiences in every area of their life. If you find it difficult to stand up, and not sell yourself out with fear this show will grant you much inspiration and hope.

  • How To Implement Boundaries With Guests

    04/10/2011 Duration: 01h31min

    This show is an interview with two ladies who have recovered, survived and thrived as a result of empowering themselves. Both of these guests were suffering from high level narcissistic relationship which came very close to destroying their lives. Learn how these women rose up, asserted themselves and reclaimed their life.

  • Interview with individuals regarding implemented boundaries

    02/10/2011 Duration: 01h31min

    This show is with individuals who were previously terrorised and distraught by perpetrators in their life. Discover what happened when these people took back control, aligned themselves with boundary function and their own self-empowerment and deservedness. Learn how, not only did this change their experience of abuse in life; it also changed their experiences in every area of their life. If you find it difficult to stand up, and not sell yourself out with fear this show will grant you much inspiration and hope. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to me the call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Getting Love Right: Is Being A Woman Letting Me Down?

    27/09/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Historically women felt that they had very limited resources to care for and protect themselves. In many ways their experiences of partners were ‘pot luck’ in the quest to achieve safety and stability. Hopefully a woman’s partner could provide the safety, security, protection and certainty that she couldn’t provide for herself. What if he didn’t? This show is about how many of us may have struggled with understanding what it is to be ‘female’ in modern times, and how this is no longer an impediment to providing for ourselves as well as getting our needs met healthily. Why is it that we can still feel extremely vulnerable, and can still be let down when men aren’t providing our safety and survival for us? This show will be a very helpful listen to if you feel that being a woman create you as feeling vulnerable and unsafe in the world, and within relationships. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to s

  • Narcissistic Central: How and why we become 'narcissistic'

    20/09/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Nancy and I will discuss the phenomenon of narcissistic projection – which is the reason why when you are with a narcissist you start to behave like a narcissist. During the experience of narcissistic abuse you may discover the meaning of the term ‘narcissist’ look at the checklist and have grave fears about whether or not you are in fact narcissistic as well. In fact many partners of narcissists can be virtually convinced that they are in fact the narcissist and the cause of the problems. This show will assist you in the clarification of why, when you look in the mirror, you may be disgusted by the person that you have become, and what you can do in order to claim back the person that you really are. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Manifesting The Life You Want: Self belief and boundaries

    13/09/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    It is true that self-belief and boundaries are extremely connected. People that suffer with having little belief or self-esteem are the people that have deficient boundary function. By listening to this show you will understand the vital connection that is essential to feel safe in the world and the knowing that with some self-adjustment, that you can expand out into the world and create the life you truly want to have. How can we create a better connection of self-belief and better boundary function? How can we get to the place where we know that we can trust and look after ourselves emotionally as well as practically, regardless of what life does or doesn’t throw at us? How can we know that when we start believing in ourselves that life, others and circumstances will start to reflect that also? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or f

  • Interview with victims of narcissistic abuse

    06/09/2011 Duration: 01h54min

    In this show I will be conducting interviews with ladies who have been suffered from narcissistic abuse and found their way to empowered recovery as a result of accessing vibrational and belief system healing. Find out the difference that was experienced as opposed to contemporary cognitive therapy, and how empowered solutions made the difference.  If you would like to ask any questions in this show you may call in. The number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Getting Love Right: How to seek love without fear

    30/08/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    In this show I will discuss the crippling beliefs that can make women fearful of seeking love and connecting to love in healthy ways. What is it that can stop women finding and connecting with love? What are the fears that sabotage the creation of a loving relationship? How can you lose the fear and still know how to protect yourself, have boundaries and trust your choices and ability to speak up to have your needs met? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Narcissistic Central: Why do empaths attract narcissists?

    23/08/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Nancy and I will discuss why narcissists target nice people who have a great deal of empathy to give. Does this make empaths victims, or is there a deeper reason going on? How can you be an empath yet learn healthy boundaries to know when it is or isn’t applicable to give? How can you still be a nice person in the world and know that you can be safe and not mined by other people for their own selfish and abusive reasons? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • Manifesting The Life and Love You Want: What is 'the gift'?

    16/08/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    So much of our fear comes from the belief that bad things happen, or maybe - just as something goes right it will go wrong and that people can do bad things to us. On a human level that has been our experience that can keep fear running in our lives, and charging within our emotional bodies and will keep attracting exactly what we fear. Our goal is to move out of fear and into consciousness, which means that we can accept that there is a perfect design and a perfect pattern in life that always is loving and supportive. This show is about getting our focus off negativity and on to positivity and then realising that there is a gift in every experience that can and will take us through to greater love, joy, creation and expansion. Learn how your perceptions create your beliefs and your experience, and know the difference between ‘repeat pain’ and ‘the gift’. If you want to transform your patterns and painful experiences you will find this show very beneficial.  If you have any questions that you would like answe

  • On Air Quanta Freedom Healing

    09/08/2011 Duration: 01h33min

    This show was a pre-recorded show with a lady from the UK who is recovering from narcissistic abuse. Only a month ago Juliette was devestated, incredibly depressed and feeling helpless. Due to her engaging in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program and focsuing on healing herself she now sees a light at the end of the tunnel and is on the way to recovering her self, life and truth. This show is a great listen to for anyone wishing to recover from narcissistic abuse.

  • Free On Air Quant freedom Healing

    07/08/2011 Duration: 01h32min

    This show is a 90 minute special including a guest who will experience a free on-air Quanta Freedom Healing. This lady from the UK has already been chosen for this show, and has been a victim of narcissistic abuse. To understand how we do the deeper inner work on painful belief systems in order to heal our life please tune in to this show!

  • Narcissistic Central: Can narcissists have humility

    26/07/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Nancy and I will discuss the times when the narcissist admits that there is something wrong with them – and when they talk about why they are damaged and how they want to heal. During this show we will examine these times, when they occur, what they mean, and how you can create strong boundaries to work out whether or not there is hope that the narcissist will change. How do we know that this show of humility is real or not? How do we know if this will actually hold, and if circumstances will improve? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

  • On-Air Quanta Freedom Healing

    12/07/2011 Duration: 01h32min

    This show is a 90 minute special including a guest who will experience a free on-air Quanta Freedom Healing. Quanta freedom Healing is a healing technique that can be applied to any less than situation in your life that you wish to recover from and gain empowerment on. If you would like to apply to be the guest who is chosen to experience this show’s Healing please email me at healing@melanietoniaevans.com. Outline why you would like the healing and what it is that you wish to improve in your life.

  • Narcissistic Central: Trying to get even.

    28/06/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Nancy and I will discuss one of the most normal responses and charges that occur when narcissistically abused which is: wanting to get even with the narcissist. What happens when we try to do this and what are the results? How do we really ‘get even’, and how do we get ourselves out of the pain of trying to obtain justice when there seems that there is none forthcoming, and move forward into relief. This show is a vital listen to for anyone who has been involved in the excruciating agony of narcissistic abuse, and feels that there is no justice and way to regain your power other than try to bring the narcissist down, and make him or her accountable. If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.

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