Empowered Love Radio

Narcissistic Central: Men In Narcissistic Relationships



During this show I will be interviewing men who suffered narcissistic relationships. What drew them to the narcissist woman? What hooked them in? What were the addictions / hooks that made it so difficult to remove themselves from the relationship when they knew that it clearly wasn’t healthy? How did they finally learn how to break away and stay away, and what was necessary for their recovery? What have these men understood as the gift of their narcissistic relationship? This show will be fascinating, as you will understand the similarities between all individuals regardless of gender when dealing with narcissistic abuse, and also some significant differences between men and women in regards to recovery. If you suspect that any men you know are in a narcissistic relationship, or trying to recover from one please encourage them to listen to this show! if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or any of the guys please call in number is USA (1) 347 989 1262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            (1)