Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • Narcissistic Central

    09/11/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    On this show there will be discussions about the new resource centre 'Narcissistic Central' that will be available in order to provide EMPOWERED abuse recovery. This unique initiative is in regard to providing the ability for victims of narcissism to move on and become empowered, free and inspired as a result of their abuse journey. Ali and I will be discussing the articles, eBooks, eCourses and upcoming forum that will offer abuse healing and recovery at the REAL level. Learn how and why these resources work, and what the difference is between these methods and contemporary solutions.

  • Free Live on Air Quanta Healing: Dissolving The Ego

    02/11/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This free live on-air Power Healing is to do with relieving yourself of your ego attachments. When we're in our heads and in resistance, control and defense mechanisms we're not connected to the flow and abundance of life. Learn how to let go of your egoic fears that are keeping you separated from the bounty of life. When you connect to Source Energy (the real and intended state of yourself) you will realise that every potential of yourslf and what you really want is 'already who you are' and totally avaliable to you. This profound session will assist you via the Qunata Healing shifts to know and feel your true unlimited potential. In order to receive the necessary worksheet for this event please email me at melanie@melanietoniaevans.com.

  • Quanta: 'Feeling is Believing' and how you can be a part of the raising of vibration

    26/10/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show I will be discussing the growing phenomenon of Quanta Healing. You will learn about the 1 on 1 and Group Power Healing Sessions and why Quanta Healing is creating immediate shifts in individuals that defy all contemporary results. Discover how Quanta Healing is evolving and growing as a channelled form of aligning with self and all of life. Learn how I have applied Quanta Healing in my own life to totally remove all resistance to the love relationship I deeply desired, and how very quickly afterwards the most astounding life partner manifested into my life. Learn what Quanta Healing can do for you!

  • Special Guest discussing recovery from Narcissistic Abuse: Getting Away and Staying Away

    19/10/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    During this show I will be having a conversation with a guest who is disconnecting from a long term narcissistic relationship. Many of you will be able to relate to the struggle and the difficulty of no contact, and we will be talking about how to keep away and what is necessary in as far as rebuilding and working on self in this crucial period of withdrawal and self-empowerment. Learn about the power of realisation and self-ownership, and how the discovery of narcissism and co-dependency information, as well as full awareness of the hooks and deep enmeshments of narcissism has saved this ladies’ emotional life. This is a must listen to show for all women struggling to get away from a narcissist in order to create real and healthy love.

  • Narcissistic Central: The materialistic ego of the narcissist and how they mine to feed the ego

    12/10/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show I will be having a discussion with one of our regular contributors NewWings. NewWings has been a wonderful source of information regarding narcissism, and I have no doubt she will deliver incredible insight in this show as well. By listening in you will learn about many of the drives of the narcissist and how you may be unwillingly caught up in their insatiable need to mine material resources and take over your life. This show is another vital resource for women who have been damaged by narcissits, are living with narcissistic abuse, and ladies who require the vital information to avoid becoming connected with a narcissist. Another 'must listen' to show, that all women should hear!

  • Numerology: Personal and Universal Insight available to support you now

    05/10/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show you will learn about the power of Numerology and how it can create profound self-growth. Numerology is a tool that I use with all my clients and it creates a deep understanding of karmic patterns and programs, and how to heal the aspects of ourselves that are blocking the manifestations of our true desires. By listening to this show you will have the opportunity to understand how a Numerology Profile can be life-changing and in some cases life-saving, as well as the spectacular difference it has facilitated for me and the lives of many others.

  • Live on Air Group Power Healing

    28/09/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    This is going to be a very exciting show which I would like you to listen in to live if possible! During this show you as the listener will expereince a Quanta Healing and have the opportunity to expereince powerful emotional and belief system shifts that will enable you to lose the limiting emotions and behaviours that may have been holding you back. During this show you will find out what Qunata Healing is about and how it can change your life in incredible ways. Be prepared to get closer to the empowered you who can live the life that you dream of!

  • Quanta Vision - 'Feeling is Believing' with Melanie Tonia Evans

    21/09/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Melanie discusses Quanta Healing - the healing modality that is creating profound healing results globally. What is Quanta? Where does it come from? How does it work? What is Quanta Healings obvious personal and interpersonal applications and wider global social implications in co-creating greater empowerment and alignment with truth, healing and liberation? How is Quanta Healing a solution to disconnection from source, narcissitic abuse and all conditions that create pain and suffering in our world? How can Quanta Healing change your life, and the lives of people that you care about? This very important show will explain to you another way - a new way - whereby you can 'shift' from the pain into the 'true you' that you wish to be - powerfully and quickly.

  • Guest Feature: Resurrection from Co-dependency

    14/09/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show I will be interviewing a lady who I have mentioned in previous shows. You will discover how in such a short space of time this women turned her life around from feeling narcissistically abused, broken, financially destitute and powerless. This show will give you hope that no matter how bad it seems there is a way through, and there are things that you can apply and do that can very quickly change your reality to the empowered life where you are the creator instead of being a victim to life. This inspiring show can grant you more than hope it can help you realise that within you that you do have the power to create the life you want, regardless of the crippling beleifs and programs that have been running in your life. I am really looking forward to this show, and I hope you tune in!!

  • Narcissistic Central: How to disconnect your energy from the narcisist practically and energetically

    07/09/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Standard societal treatment may realise the necessity of diconnecting one's self materially and practically and even emotionally from the narcissist, but little is explained about the psychic and spiritual damage that a narcissist creates. How do you recover when you feel that you have been 'raped' on every level? How is it that a narcissist insidiously violates ever part of your being, and the torture continues even when the narcissist isn't in your physical space? In this show I will explain the practical aspects of no contact or modified contact and what is also necessary to exorcise the narcissist out of your being. This show is essential for all the oindividuals who still feel 'hooked' to a narcissist regardless of whether or not the narcissist is still physically in your life.

  • MTE resource review - Empowered Living

    31/08/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Ali and I will be discussing the philosophy of Empowered Living and how to create yourself as the powerful manifester that you truly are. When we learn how to be truly aligned with our creative self we know the inspiration and joy of manifesting - life wasn't meant to be difficult!! It is meant to be a glorious process of expansion and creation!

  • Kicking Co-dependency: Self nurture learning how to love yourself and break free from the pain

    24/08/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Why is it that women often only discover self-nurture and the importance of looking after themselves following a crisis. Many women have to manifest illnesses, relationship breakdowns or total emotional depletion before they learn the necessity to give to self first. If we don't learn how to 'fill' ourselves then we are not serving ourselves or others in life-affirming ways. In this show Ali and I will be discussing how to 'come home to yourself', and by doing so how you become a much more balanced and productive force in the world, and additionally how this will also allow you to break free from your past painful patterns.

  • Prerecord for Kicking Codependency

    23/08/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    This show is a pre record for the show scheduled at 1:00pm

  • Interview with Barbara Hofmeister: Living a Life of Choice

    17/08/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Barbara Hofmeister is an International Speaker, Published Author and the Founder of the ‘TO BE’ Success System. Barbara Hofmeister is a refugee from Communist Germany and knows firsthand what it is like to be living in adverse circumstances. Severely abused and with low self-esteem she set out to live her personal dream travelling the world sharing what she learned from her studies and the “University of Hard Knocks” with a wide audience. Barbara uses a practical step by step approach that allows ANYBODY to move towards their dream life. I'll be asking Barbara about her inspiration, and the tools and techniques she uses that have created her dream life and improved the lives of countless others.

  • Narcissitic Central - The Language of the Narcissist

    10/08/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    Lisa and I will be discussing the language of the narcissist. Both Lisa and I are very proactive in educating women as to the ''handbook' that many narcissists seem to follow. What is their language? How do they use projection, manipulation and the twists and turns that drive you crazy? Learn the tactics and the language of the narcissist so that you can see it clearly and not think that you’re losing your mind, or that it’s some error of judgement, or worse still your fault. This show is really important and well worth tuning in to if you don’t know which way is up or down or what is going on. How can you make sense out of something that you’ve never encountered before? We’ll help you make sense out of the mayhem.

  • MTE Resource Review - the Launch of Empowered Dating

    03/08/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    I will be discussing the Empowered Dating information that's being released through my website. What was the inspiration for this Empowered Dating Section? How can this dating knowledge help women? How can single women learn how to be Empowered Daters? What are the common mistakes that women make whilst dating that create unsatisfactory dating results? How can women easily and powerfully turn it all around to become a great woman who gets a great man?

  • Interview with NewWings and a female Lawyer in regard to Narcissists and Legal Steps and Strategies

    27/07/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Due to me mucking up my last interview time with NewWings, this show has been re-secheduled.... This show will provide even more insight as to how to work with the law in order to procure the results you would like in order to rebuild your life. These two interviews within this show will be fascinating in regard to the lawyers perspective and the clients's perspective and how to successfully combine the two.

  • Learning to Live and Love Again: Interview

    20/07/2010 Duration: 01h01min

    During this show I will interview a lady named Lisa, who has lived through what most women dread: the ending of life as she knew it due to her husband having an affair after a 23 year old marraige. Lisa's story is profound and inspirational. She displays what she has taken from this experience and how she found herself in a way that she never knew existed. One of the most powerful messages that Lisa exhibits is how she is now raising her daughters to become empowered and independent. If a situation like Lisa's is a fear, or you have lived through (or going through) similiar circumstances this is a must listen show.

  • Narcissitic Central: Feeding the narcissist: How to let go and empower yourself

    13/07/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    Lisa and I will be discussing the necessity of working with bringing your focus back to yourself in order to disconnect from the 'pulls' of the narcissist. Why do we feel so energetically enmeshed? What is the phenomena that is taking place? How can we 'cut the chords' and change our vibration so that it is no longer a match for the narcissist? For any individual feeling the psychic emotional, mental and physical enmeshment with a narcissist you will find this information extremely helpful and soul saving.

  • MTE resource review: Empowered Relationships

    06/07/2010 Duration: 01h00s

    The most vital relationship we can ever have in life is with ourself. This is the foundation from which every relationship is created. It so often looks like the relationships on the outside are at fault, but when we become conscious we understand that these relationships are the vital reflection causing us to embrace and take resposibility for the authentic creation of self-love, self-acceptance and self-validation. We also begin to understand how the creating of our boundaries is no-one elses's job other than our own. Within this show I will be discussing the tools and products within the Empowered Relationships Group can assist you with the essential creation of yourself.

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