Empowered Couples

Why Marriages Become Bland and How to Keep it Feeling Fresh: Episode 264



Food that is “bland” isn’t bad or inedible, it just lacks any zest or real flavor. Marriage can take on a similar feeling too, it’s not that anything is a major problem, but you are not feeling any real zest, excitement, or even newness.  As you will hear in this episode, all relationships will find themselves in this type of season for some specific reasons. You will also hear some examples, that might even be happening for you now, that signify that you need to take these steps to bring in some freshness, newness, and intentionally to your zest for life and each other!   Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument so you reconnect in minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Watch our free webclass on: End the Battle for Fairness to align relationship roles, reduce overwhelm, and be a united team again. Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training).