Empowered Couples

The Biggest Communication Mistake That Turns Conversations Into Conflicts: Episode 258



We are just off hosting the Couples Workshop in Arizona yesterday, and this was one of the biggest takeaways from the ½ day in person event. Communication seems easy when you only think of it as “verbalizing what you are thinking”. But this often leads to the biggest communication mistake that turns simple conversations into an argument.  In this episode we will give you the inside look at the most effective communication tool that we teach at the Couples Workshop and in our coaching. By changing your very first sentence to your partner you can stay on the same team together and support each other in fulfilling your relationship needs and wants!   Resources For Your Relationship: Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training) You can also sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here