Empowered Whole Being Radio



Discover Transform Manifest!Together we create the Shift!The perfect cutting edge fusion of spirituality and quantum science. Host, Candace Stuart-Findlay and her guests present and discuss information and techniques in support of self-empowerment, self-realization, spiritual transformation, and unity. In-Joy ~ One Love!


  • Blocking Beliefs ~ Confirmation of Identity or Inner Exploration Information?

    05/07/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! Quantum science research points to the true nature of our physical/3rd dimensional world...that it is an echo/reflection of the energy frequencies upon which we are focused, be it conscious or unconscious. What a perfect mechanism to create and sustain energetic self-perpetuating loops of experience, because remember, first comes the energetic transmission...the manifestation comes after. The realization that all transactions/events experienced in the physical/3rd dimension are first birthed and co-created by the types of frequencies with which we are aligned is an important component of the reawakening experience.  Knowing that what is experienced here is not a confirmation of who we are, but merely information about what we are exploring, frees and empowers us to release that which does not serve us.  During this episode, Rob and I will explore and discuss this enlightening thread of self-perception! Please do join the discussion with your comments and questions by calli

  • Exploring the Power of the Spoken Word!

    29/03/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! What is the vibrational difference between the word "Hard" and the word "Challenging"?  There definitely is a frequency difference between these two words, yet most are unaware of it. In this episode, Rob and I will explore the vibrational frequency of words and how we use them in our conscious or unconscious co-creations.  We will discuss how words can create empowerment or victim energy.  The topic of "Labeling" will also be touched upon during our discussion. Rob and I will have fun exploring this topic and more during this episode of the Empowered Whole Being Radio show! Please do join the discussion by calling in, or reaching out through our chat board, with your comments and questions!  Together WE create the Shift! One Love!

  • Exploring the Physics of Consciousness with Biophysicist, William Brown!

    03/08/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! It is with great honor that we announce William Brown as our episode guest!  William Brown is a biophysicist and research scientist at the Resonance Project Foundation (http://resonance.is/) and Hawai’i Institute for Unified Physics (http://hiup.org), where he performs experimentation and theoretical work to better understand the physics of the biological system.  He explores all systems of knowledge, from physics and biology to the nature of consciousness, and describes this comprehensive synthesis in what he calls the Science of Universal Life (SOUL).  Although his exploration of understanding is all-inclusive, William’s professional background is in cellular and molecular biology. He has worked in numerous laboratory facilities across the United States and has extensive experience in molecular biology research. After 10 years of studying the biochemical processes of molecular biology, this has led to a revolutionary way of viewing the biological system with remarkable impl

  • The Infinity Experience ~ When Reawakening to Expanded Self Happens!

    22/06/2014 Duration: 01h31min

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! The Infinity Experience...what is it?  We define the Infinity Experience as the moment(s) we suddenly become aware that we are so much more than our physical self.  It's the moment when the switch is flipped from Research to Release, and our reawakening is activated. On this episode Rob and I will discuss The Infinity Experience phenomena, as well as share our own personal Infinity Experience.  We are pleased to also have as guests on this show, Francis McLamb and Nishant Patel, who will also share their unique Infinity Experience. Francis is now a Visionary Artist, whose reawakening journey began a mere two years ago.  She will share her fascinating story of moving from complete shut down to expansion experiences.  With her expanded awareness, the beauty of the Divine is in her portraiture because this is what she now sees.  View her work on her Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/NamahPaintings  Francis may be contacted via email: NamahPaintings_FrancisMcLamb@yahoo.com Ni

  • How Does the Belly Brain Effect What We Co-Create?

    11/05/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! In this episode of Empowered Whole Being Radio we will be discussing how the Belly Brain, or Enteric Nervous System, effects our energetic conversation with the quantum field, thus effecting what we co-create from moment to moment. On previous episodes we have discussed the three key elements in our electro-magnetic transmission and reception conversation with the quantum field; the Heart (transmission), the Belly Brain (raw emotion reception), and the Brain Antenna/Pineal Gland (thoughts and images reception).  We will more deeply explore the Belly Brain function and importance during this broadcast, sharing new information about the profound effect the Belly Brain has on what you think, feel, and manifest! We invite you to participate in this enlightening, empowering discussion and call in with your questions and comments!  We love to hear from you! Together we create the Shift! One Love!

  • An Alternate Perception ~ Release Lives versus Research Lives!

    30/03/2014 Duration: 01h00s

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! In this episode of Empowered Whole Being Radio we will be introducing the concept of Release Lives and Research Lives to our listening community. On previous episodes we have discussed the concept of our human experience actually being an opportunity for our collective expanded self to self-explore.  As we all know, contrast is a key component of self-exploration, and this is where Release Lives and Research Lives fit into the equation. We will explore this fundamental aspect of the human (avatar) experience and invite you to call in with your questions and comments!  We love to hear from you! Together we create the Shift! One Love!

  • Redefining Us, with Quantum Biologist, William Brown, MSc

    17/03/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Discover • Manifest • Transform! We have the extreme pleasure to have as our guest, Quantum Biologist William Brown.  After ten years of intensive study in molecular biology and quantum physics, William is exploring theories about possible quantum mechanisms at play in the biomacromolecular networks of the living biological system. On our last show, Rob and I explored the functions of the non-coding "jumping" and "satellite" DNA, and the DNA magnetic wormholes from within a spiritual based context.  This show will continue to explore the Truth of Us, with William Brown's guidance. After studying the work of physicist Nassim Haramein, William concluded that the Universe is holofractal, in that a subatomic particle potentially contains the imprint of the whole Universe. Additionally his research led him to state, "sentience will never be explained by the physical delineation of brain activity, because it is a non-physical phenomenon - the brain only acts as an interface for the purely energetic aspects of

  • Exploring New Visions w/ guest Jim Channon, renown Visionary

    11/11/2012 Duration: 31min

    Discover • Transform • Manifest! There has been much discussion as of late about what our future holds, both as individuals and globally.   Who better than our guest Jim Channon to be here to share his vision of our potentiality.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with Jim, the movie, "Men Who Stare at Goats" was based upon his pioneering work in the Army as a Lt. Colonel.  Please visit any of his very informative web sites to discover more about Jim Channon. www.firstearthbattalion.org  www.neweartharmy.com Please do join us for what promises to be a very lively and though-provoking show! Together we create the Shift! One Love!

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