Empowered Whole Being Radio

Blocking Beliefs ~ Confirmation of Identity or Inner Exploration Information?



Discover • Manifest • Transform! Quantum science research points to the true nature of our physical/3rd dimensional world...that it is an echo/reflection of the energy frequencies upon which we are focused, be it conscious or unconscious. What a perfect mechanism to create and sustain energetic self-perpetuating loops of experience, because remember, first comes the energetic transmission...the manifestation comes after. The realization that all transactions/events experienced in the physical/3rd dimension are first birthed and co-created by the types of frequencies with which we are aligned is an important component of the reawakening experience.  Knowing that what is experienced here is not a confirmation of who we are, but merely information about what we are exploring, frees and empowers us to release that which does not serve us.  During this episode, Rob and I will explore and discuss this enlightening thread of self-perception! Please do join the discussion with your comments and questions by calli