Empowered Whole Being Radio

How Does the Belly Brain Effect What We Co-Create?



Discover • Manifest • Transform! In this episode of Empowered Whole Being Radio we will be discussing how the Belly Brain, or Enteric Nervous System, effects our energetic conversation with the quantum field, thus effecting what we co-create from moment to moment. On previous episodes we have discussed the three key elements in our electro-magnetic transmission and reception conversation with the quantum field; the Heart (transmission), the Belly Brain (raw emotion reception), and the Brain Antenna/Pineal Gland (thoughts and images reception).  We will more deeply explore the Belly Brain function and importance during this broadcast, sharing new information about the profound effect the Belly Brain has on what you think, feel, and manifest! We invite you to participate in this enlightening, empowering discussion and call in with your questions and comments!  We love to hear from you! Together we create the Shift! One Love!