Empowered Whole Being Radio

Exploring the Physics of Consciousness with Biophysicist, William Brown!



Discover • Manifest • Transform! It is with great honor that we announce William Brown as our episode guest!  William Brown is a biophysicist and research scientist at the Resonance Project Foundation (http://resonance.is/) and Hawai’i Institute for Unified Physics (http://hiup.org), where he performs experimentation and theoretical work to better understand the physics of the biological system.  He explores all systems of knowledge, from physics and biology to the nature of consciousness, and describes this comprehensive synthesis in what he calls the Science of Universal Life (SOUL).  Although his exploration of understanding is all-inclusive, William’s professional background is in cellular and molecular biology. He has worked in numerous laboratory facilities across the United States and has extensive experience in molecular biology research. After 10 years of studying the biochemical processes of molecular biology, this has led to a revolutionary way of viewing the biological system with remarkable impl