Empowered Whole Being Radio

Redefining Us, with Quantum Biologist, William Brown, MSc



Discover • Manifest • Transform! We have the extreme pleasure to have as our guest, Quantum Biologist William Brown.  After ten years of intensive study in molecular biology and quantum physics, William is exploring theories about possible quantum mechanisms at play in the biomacromolecular networks of the living biological system. On our last show, Rob and I explored the functions of the non-coding "jumping" and "satellite" DNA, and the DNA magnetic wormholes from within a spiritual based context.  This show will continue to explore the Truth of Us, with William Brown's guidance. After studying the work of physicist Nassim Haramein, William concluded that the Universe is holofractal, in that a subatomic particle potentially contains the imprint of the whole Universe. Additionally his research led him to state, "sentience will never be explained by the physical delineation of brain activity, because it is a non-physical phenomenon - the brain only acts as an interface for the purely energetic aspects of