Abundant Intuitive Podcast



Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think. Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom. Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good.


  • How Do You Reinvent Yourself? Day 1 of 3

    24/01/2019 Duration: 44min

    **Recorded from a 3 day workshop on my Facebook business page, Kathryn Mussell Ascending Earth Creatrix. Day 1 Reinvent Yourself Day 1 How do you begin to reinvent yourself? First let's take a look at what core emotion keeps you being the old you. Without changing this core emotion, you are creating a predictable destiny of bringing your past self into your present over and over again. Want the replays of these videos sent to your inbox? When you click below and sign up to my email list, you'll get each day of this workshop sent to your email AND you'll receive a FREE Bonus sent to you on Saturday just for showing up to this workshop AND.... You'll get a special limited-time discount on my signature 6 week program, #becomethecreatrix starting 2/7/2019. Click to sign up! https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Join us live for Day 2 on 1/25 at 11:30 am PT here: https://www.facebook.com/kathrynmussellascendingearth/

  • Why is it so difficult to make changes in your life and sustain that level of change?

    19/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    Why is it so difficult to make changes in your life and sustain that level of change? Because your mind and body are in conflict with one another. You may say you want one thing, but the body has memorized a way of being that it has become addicted to. If you're not aware of this, change and growth are very difficult. It is very seductive to go back to our old ways being. We're internally wired for it. When we reach the threshold of our comfort zone, the energy of our old programming and way of being pulls us back like a bungee cord to what is KNOWN. Wouldn't it be amazing to avoid that pitfall and the triggers that make you want to revisit your familiar past over and over through your thoughts and feelings? #becomethecreatrix

  • What happens when you learn how to objectively review your life?

    14/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    What happens when you learn how to objectively review your life? There is a level of higher intelligence ready to take hold within you. As an awakened spiritual being, the next process of your evolution is your human awakening. This is where you integrate and implement the tools and lessons you have learned throughout your life to upgrade your entire reality. You can live as the highest idealized version of yourself but you have to occupy a higher state of being to align with and actualize that. Watch the video to learn more. If you want to work with me in this powerful 6 week program, message me for more info. #becomethecreatrix

  • How do you live in Ascended Consciousness now?

    10/01/2019 Duration: 24min

    How do you live in Ascended Consciousness now? (**Recorded live from my Facebook page: Kathryn Mussell Ascending Earth Creatrix) Learn to overcome your survival state of being and live in the Creative State. You must elevate the consciousness of mind to match the ascended state of being. All parts of you ascend- that includes the mind. When we can learn how to tap into the Quantum Field of Mind (the Creative State of being) we evolve the brain. Staying stuck in a survival state of consciousness- where you are living in stress, fear, turmoil, trauma, depression, suffering, struggle, guilt, shame, lack or want as a chronic, long-term state of being is how most of humanity functions in this world on a daily basis. In this survival state, you are more animal than divine. This is a primitive state. If we don't learn how to develop the self-awareness and self-realization to move ourselves out of these limited states of being, we limit our evolution. Ultimately, this means we limit our ascension process as well.   W

  • 2019 Energy Forecast

    02/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    This energy forecast and oracle card pulls are concurrent with the energy of the seasons to give you an idea what to expect for the rest of this Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn and the following Winter. We finish with a card pull that forecasts the energy of the entire year... which you're going to love. If you'd like to see the cozy fireside version of this AND see the cards I pulled, you can check out the video on my Youtube channel HERE   Blessings to you all in 2019!

  • Survival Mode vs. Creator Mode- Move beyond having to change your life from a place of crisis

    16/12/2018 Duration: 54min

    Survival mode vs. Creator mode- Move beyond having to change your life from a place of crisis. When things get so bad in our lives that we feel out of control and desperate to make a change, we attempt to do do that from a survival mode state of consciousness. We think about how everything will get so much worse if we don't change now. This is crisis mode. This is not a creative state. This is a focus on lack and more negativity. At this level of consciousness, the body only wires itself for survival- getting through this day, this week, this month. The mind and body are not focused on creative endeavors, inspired action, or thinking up new ideas. Until we learn how to move beyond survival mode thinking and feeling, we are not able to free up energy to create new ways of being that are more meaningful and soul-satisfying.

  • Breaking down Consciousness, Dimensional and Timeline Shifts

    09/12/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    A greater understanding of dimensional realities and timeline shifts. What’s up with more 6,7,8 and 9D entering our awareness now and what does it all mean??!!

  • How do you let go of the Unconscious Self and become the idealized version of you?

    07/12/2018 Duration: 54min

    In this podcast I'm sharing 3 Steps that help you to evolve your mind and state of being past ego-consciousness. To change your internal state and elevate the mind and body beyond the ego self, you must: ~ Become more skilled at becoming present and aware of your internal state every day ~ Know exactly who is the idealized version of you- be crystal clear on who and what you desire to be ~ Access an elevated state of consciousness so you can objectively look at your limited mind, lose your old self and become the Master of your Experience. Only from this elevated consciousness can you create a whole new personal reality and identity.

  • Creating a New Personal Reality 101

    02/12/2018 Duration: 37min

    Creating a New Personal Reality 101 Learning to live beyond the identity that you keep recreating from the sensory input of your outer reality. To simplify the idea of Ascension, let's just say we are in the process of evolving and expanding into the highest and best versions of ourselves. We don't have to wait for a stargate or portal of energy to open in order to have a staging ground for transformation of our personal reality. We don't have to wait for a chaotic or traumatic event to create massive change either. In fact, when we set out on a journey to shift the nature of our reality from a place of peace and inspiration, we work from a greater field of potential outcomes that we can see and feel and engage with openly. When we HAVE TO transform our lives, out of necessity and from a place of urgency or desperation, we are in SURVIVAL mode. In other words, we have infinite potentials of ways of being veiled to us simply because we are not in a vibration of Creation. We are frantically trying to put piece

  • Signs you are in Resistance to Evolving into Ascended Consciousness

    01/12/2018 Duration: 44min

    In this podcast I'm sharing 4 signs that show you are in resistance to evolving into ascended consciousness and creating the best version of yourself. And why do we resist this so much? If you're still trying to work with the old pieces of you, out of sentimentality, out of self-denial, out of a need to just SURVIVE and GET THROUGH this next phase that you're going through, then you are shackling yourself to an old operating system of being that CANNOT support the greater, more expanded vessel of energy that you are becoming. To evolve into ascended consciousness, you must be able to move beyond the confines of 3 things that keep you rooted in your past, your old personal reality and the 3D way of framing your identity- your environment, the body and time. Learn more about that here: https://youtu.be/tyASyouNPiQ Blessings!

  • Why a Wealth Consciousness Upgrade is so important for the Entire Planet as we Ascend.

    18/11/2018 Duration: 48min

    Why a wealth consciousness upgrade is so important for the entire planet as we ascend. In this video I'm talking about: ~ Why we're not meant to stay in one emotional vibration indefinitely, especially lack ~ How we offer a higher vibration to the collective by not participating in old paradigms that support lack, fear and suffering associated with a scarcity of what we need to support us ~ How we can begin to choose from a greater field of potential and create a new way of being NOW

  • Accelerate Your Manifesting Ability

    13/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    When you focus all of your attention on the physical world of your external environment, you are only focusing on 0.0001% of reality. When you put your energy into the other 99.99999% of potential reality, you are able to create new outcomes that are independent of your current reality and become a master Manifester.

  • 11:11 Portal ~ Channeled message from Archangels Michael and Gabriel: Wake up!

    11/11/2018 Duration: 16min

    Channeled message from Archangels Michael and Gabriel. You are galactic light. Wake up and radiate your Pure Being!

  • DNA Restructuring and Integrating Mother Creatrix DNA Codes

    05/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    What happens when your DNA gets Restructured and why do you need to have this For Mother Creatrix DNA Code Alignment? In this video I'm talking about... ~ what Sacred DNA Activation and Restructuring do for you and why it's different from any other kind of DNA Activation out there ~ why healers who are here on the planet at this time need to be activated to 24 Strands of DNA ~ why you must have your Sacred DNA Activated and Restructured to at least 12 Strands if you want to receive the Mother Creatrix DNA Code Alignment series of 8 activations   Sacred DNA Activation & Restructure Method® 24 Strand DNA Activation & Restructure Method® is for those healers who are called to be way-showers and pattern-interrupters. If you’ve grown enough spiritually, your DNA will tell you this is the next step. The Sacred DNA Activation & Restructure Method® removes the seals that were placed on your DNA, which activates all of the strands beyond the 3rd strand. It then grounds the activation into your physical bei

  • You Can Un-Be What You Know

    25/10/2018 Duration: 29min

    You Can Un-Be What You Know. The Science Of Changing your Poverty Mindset. Prove science right and prove your ego (observer) wrong. We are clearing old limiting beliefs. We are opting into new, positive, empowered feelings about money. We are making a friend of money. Some members are already seeing a positive shift with this work and are seeing more CASH

  • Connecting into Mother Creatrix/ Creative Matrix

    20/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    In this audio recording, plug into the Mother Creatrix- the Creative Matrix of the Universal Field of all Consciousness so you can access higher dimensional codes of connectivity and feel the presence of all available frequencies present in the ONE. Connect to Mother Creatrix every morning and night to access the ability to create more of your reality at will from the Void of No-thing and the infinite field of potentiality that is Pure Source Being. Blessings!

  • Manifesting Money

    15/10/2018 Duration: 01h34min

    Grab a cup of tea or your favorite glass of wine, your favorite pen and a journal. Get cozy. Get rid of all your distractions. Lean in with every part of you, listen and take notes. Bring all your money story b.s. and baggage to the party. Because we are going to manifest some money together! What are your financial goals for 2019? Are you hoping to have a better year than this one? What strategy do you have in place for that now? What if you could have support now to hit the ground running and already be on your way to meeting and possibly surpassing your financial goals in 2019, instead of the usual cold start on January 1st? We started The Money Lab on Saturday but there is ongoing live support & lack pattern-interrupting, abundance mindset shifting exercises available to you whenever you join and all the way through the end of 2018 for only $197. The fabulous folks in this group are already experiencing positive shifts, some are already seeing tangible results with cash coming in. Here's what's alrea

  • The Paradox of Manifesting

    13/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    ** Recorded as a video in my local meadow! You cannot focus on the absence of money and expect it to show up at the same time. In doing this, you're expecting to occupy two separate and opposing vibrations at once. So worrying about money and having a low-grade anxiety all the time about the lack of it, which is keeping you at the lower end of the vibrational spectrum of contracted emotional experience, will never help you manifest something that feels fulfilling, satisfying, joyful and expanded. There is a Paradox of Manifesting that most people don't understand. But once you understand it and are able to work/play (and manifest money) inside this paradox, you are fully aware of the truth that YOU create your reality at will. Your vibration is everything when you are manifesting anything. What makes up your vibration? Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and stories create an energetic vibration. And you are the Creator of ALL of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and stories. Moment to moment, you are CHOOSING d

  • The Cascade Effect of Listening to Your Inner Critic

    07/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Listening to the voice of your inner critic, which is rooted in ego and duality consciousness will only allow you to create your reality from a perspective of what has been known to you- proven to you through empirical evidence of sensory input of what has been and what is observable now. The inner critic has no ability to imagine a reality outside of this limited framework. I'm discussing what happens when you let this voice have a field day with your perception and what happens when you allow the voice of the Higher Self to rise above the kicking and screaming voice of ego.   The Money Lab membership group officially starts next Saturday October 13th. Start right here.. Ask yourself... How much money do I want to consistently make every month? What do I need to start believing to get it? What must shift (what beliefs and feelings do I have right now that run counter to what I want) in order for me to believe it? We look at what you want vs. what you're believing, feeling and doing every day that is in or

  • Remembering Your Future

    01/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    In this podcast I'm talking about: ~ Manifesting outside of the linear mind while accessing a zero point of eternal consciousness in the Now moment, where ALL creation takes place. ~ being open and connected to Pure Being and unity consciousness and sustaining a higher frequency, it is like standing in the middle of a giant data stream of infinite potential, ripe with the availability of all universal codes of creation. This non-dual perspective allows you to be the architect of a more refined and deliberate reality. ~ in the unlimited, infinite Quantum Field of Mind, the NOW is eternal and absorbs the past and future into a unified, singular field of consciousness. There is no separation. ~ that which we create we've already created, and we bend or jump time to get it through embodying the frequency that created it. When you are Remembering your Future, you are simply recreating something in the Now moment that is already eternal. www.kathrynmussell.com

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