Abundant Intuitive Podcast

How do you live in Ascended Consciousness now?



How do you live in Ascended Consciousness now? (**Recorded live from my Facebook page: Kathryn Mussell Ascending Earth Creatrix) Learn to overcome your survival state of being and live in the Creative State. You must elevate the consciousness of mind to match the ascended state of being. All parts of you ascend- that includes the mind. When we can learn how to tap into the Quantum Field of Mind (the Creative State of being) we evolve the brain. Staying stuck in a survival state of consciousness- where you are living in stress, fear, turmoil, trauma, depression, suffering, struggle, guilt, shame, lack or want as a chronic, long-term state of being is how most of humanity functions in this world on a daily basis. In this survival state, you are more animal than divine. This is a primitive state. If we don't learn how to develop the self-awareness and self-realization to move ourselves out of these limited states of being, we limit our evolution. Ultimately, this means we limit our ascension process as well.   W