Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Manifesting Money



Grab a cup of tea or your favorite glass of wine, your favorite pen and a journal. Get cozy. Get rid of all your distractions. Lean in with every part of you, listen and take notes. Bring all your money story b.s. and baggage to the party. Because we are going to manifest some money together! What are your financial goals for 2019? Are you hoping to have a better year than this one? What strategy do you have in place for that now? What if you could have support now to hit the ground running and already be on your way to meeting and possibly surpassing your financial goals in 2019, instead of the usual cold start on January 1st? We started The Money Lab on Saturday but there is ongoing live support & lack pattern-interrupting, abundance mindset shifting exercises available to you whenever you join and all the way through the end of 2018 for only $197. The fabulous folks in this group are already experiencing positive shifts, some are already seeing tangible results with cash coming in. Here's what's alrea