Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Remembering Your Future



In this podcast I'm talking about: ~ Manifesting outside of the linear mind while accessing a zero point of eternal consciousness in the Now moment, where ALL creation takes place. ~ being open and connected to Pure Being and unity consciousness and sustaining a higher frequency, it is like standing in the middle of a giant data stream of infinite potential, ripe with the availability of all universal codes of creation. This non-dual perspective allows you to be the architect of a more refined and deliberate reality. ~ in the unlimited, infinite Quantum Field of Mind, the NOW is eternal and absorbs the past and future into a unified, singular field of consciousness. There is no separation. ~ that which we create we've already created, and we bend or jump time to get it through embodying the frequency that created it. When you are Remembering your Future, you are simply recreating something in the Now moment that is already eternal. www.kathrynmussell.com