Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Survival Mode vs. Creator Mode- Move beyond having to change your life from a place of crisis



Survival mode vs. Creator mode- Move beyond having to change your life from a place of crisis. When things get so bad in our lives that we feel out of control and desperate to make a change, we attempt to do do that from a survival mode state of consciousness. We think about how everything will get so much worse if we don't change now. This is crisis mode. This is not a creative state. This is a focus on lack and more negativity. At this level of consciousness, the body only wires itself for survival- getting through this day, this week, this month. The mind and body are not focused on creative endeavors, inspired action, or thinking up new ideas. Until we learn how to move beyond survival mode thinking and feeling, we are not able to free up energy to create new ways of being that are more meaningful and soul-satisfying.