Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:458 M.K. Davis and the Tire Talker

    05/08/2018 Duration: 01h47min

    Zach writes, “I’ll go into my encounter in 2005. I lived in South Webster at the time and we were maybe five miles from the Wayne National Forest Trail Head. I graduated high school the year before and we would go up to the national forest and drive around the gravel roads up there. We called it the New road because it was built sometime in the 90s and allowed access throughout the forest. They set up primitive campsites and trails for 4wheelers and hunters. I deer and coon hunted it a lot as a young man and ran traps in the rivers running through the forest for muskrat and mink. Never in all my years out there have I encountered anything unusual beside a couple wild dog encounters and seeing a giant wild boar one morning. It was a last minute camping trip with friends one night that we all had an encounter. Me and some friends decided to camp out on the new road one Saturday evening. It was the end of September and the nights were becoming cold and chilly. We packed up my buddy Erics box van with beer and bl

  • SC EP:456 The Pinecone Throwing Incident

    29/07/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Rob and he shares two encounters with us tonight. Both encounters he had something thrown at him. The second encounter he describes seeing a “Hairy man” after having a boulder thrown at him. I will also be speaking to Tony Merkel from The Confessionals podcast. With the upcoming International Bigfoot Conference coming up and Travis Walton will be a guest we discuss the "fire in the sky" incident. I will also be playing a clip of Travis talking about his encounter while on the ship to bring everyone up to speed before I interview him at the end of August. Rob writes “My name is Rob and I started listening to your show in August of 2015 while I was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia for a 4 month leadership course. I found it very interesting, some of the behaviors people were reporting, mostly because of 2 occurrences I had, one in fall of 2011 and the other in the summer of 2014. I say occurrences because I was, and Still am not 100% what exactly happened in 2011 and what I saw in 2

  • SC EP:453 I still have PTSD from this

    21/07/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    Spoke to a witness who has agreed to come on the show. He has one of the most up close and personal encounters I have ever heard. The witness wrote “The encounter happened in Ohio. Prior to this encounter something was coming up to my window at night and would watch me. I told my mom and she said it was impossible because the window was too high up. I was playing with my friends in the woods and we started smelling this strange smell, it was like a wet dog or something dead. I came face to face with this thing that was only about 5 feet tall and it was hiding behind something. It was peeking at me over something’s arm, well that something must have been the mom. She had breasts. She was HUGE and she roared at me and I heard what I now know was samurai chatter behind me. There is so much I could go into. The large female had horse like teeth. They were yellow and broken. The little one had a different look than the female. I drew a picture below of her face, I am happy to come on and talk about the details.”  

  • SC EP:452 I shot it in the throat

    16/07/2018 Duration: 02h06min

    Tonight I will be speaking to a witness from SE Oklahoma. There is a long family history of sightings. The guest will be sharing some of the encounters from his family as well as his own encounters. I will be having this guest back for a part two, otherwise this might be a 4 hour show tonight. One of the encounters that really interested me was when the guest was a teenager and he came face to face with a Sasquatch. Here is a small portion of that encounter:   “I put the gun to my shoulder and took aim, I was on it and it looked almost surprised, its eyes got big and it just froze in place. I know it looked me right in the eyes, I said you better say something I am not kidding man you better say something or ill put one in you. Fight or flight kicked in and I wasn’t running. Its put it’s arms out to its side palms towards me and then let out a deep grumble like you hear a lion on tv do before it gets in a fight then from a grumble to a roar that shook my insides and I was still focused on it in the scope, I p

  • SC EP:450 Watch out of for the Boogerman!

    09/07/2018 Duration: 01h32min

    John writes "In 1983 When I was 18 yrs old me and a friend who has since passed away, God rest his soul were backed up on a tractor path in forsyth county, North Carolina. This path was off an old dirt road that ended down where it got at the bottom of a holler at the creek bottoms. This road was bout 1/3 of a mile as the crow flies to corn products. This company takes corn and renders it down into animal feed and such. The company has corn brought in by rail in open boxcars and the corn would fall onto the rails from the shakin and moving of the train and such. The rails kinda follow the creek down in the bottoms before it rises up to the plant to be processed. I recond because of the water source cause them there rails been laid many a lustrum ago! That corn attracts many a critter down on the ground that away! We would go deer,dove and coon huntin down in them bottoms and have a field day. Many a family was fed with the critters harvested down in that holler. There was only a few farm houses on that road b

  • SC EP:448 It’s face changed like it was mad

    01/07/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    A listener writes “I’ve had a pretty interesting encounter back in 2010. It took place in Wyoming and I got a pretty good look at two of them and I’m pretty sure there were others with them but I would love to talk to you about it.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I was out on a mountain bike riding these trails and everyday I felt like I was being watched. We were helping family move and being 11 years old I was not much help so I rode the trails everyday. I stopped by the river next to the trail when this thing stepped out in front of me. I was in shock. I have never seen anything like this before. It was not a bear. He looked at me and than started doing this mouth popping and clicking sound. The sound was not directed at me. I picked up my bike and started turning around to ride off and it’s face changed like it was mad and it started growling at me. That is when the second one stepped out…”

  • SC EP:446 Military veteran shares his encounters

    24/06/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    I grew up in Arizona. At age 18 I joined the navy and began a 21 year career. I have wanted to share my experiences since my first experience in 1972. The only people I have shared these experiences with is my family, my mom and children. I have attached my experience: 1972 Willow Creek California Mid Afternoon My first encounter occurred while visiting a family friend in Willow Creek California in early June 1972. While visiting, my twin brother, and two family friends daughters went hiking on an old logging trail located behind the friend’s house. We hiked about 1 hour up this road and were getting ready to turn around, when off to the road in a small gulley filled with ferns. We all stood on the road looking up the gulley after we had heard some grunting noises. Setting about 150 feet from us was a tall creature with long dark brown hair. The creature was standing among the ferns I think it was eating the tops of young ferns. It just stood watching us for about 1 minute, then it grunted. The girls we were

  • SC EP:444 Hunter has intense encounter

    17/06/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    A listener writes “I had a very intense encounter with an angry Sasquatch in 2007. It completely changed who I am. For the better part of 11 years I’ve done armchair research on the subject and just recently went back into the woods. I’ve only heard one encounter that comes close to what happened to me that day, not that I think it hasn’t happened to anyone else but that it has and they’re just not coming forward like me. I’d like to tell my story and share my experience with you.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I never believed in bigfoot, I didn’t care about the subject. If they existed it was a Pacific Northwest problem in my mind. The day I was turkey hunting in Mississippi changed my life. I saw what I thought was a black guy walking towards me. An African American family owned most of the land around that hunting lease so I assumed it was my neighbor. As this thing got closer I realized it was not a human. This thing was massive, it went nuts. It was looking at me, I saw everything. I reached for my

  • SC EP:442 Sasquatch saves child

    10/06/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    “I was born and raised in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. When I was growing up as a troubled youth about 11 years old I was sent away to a group home (that’s what they did in the 70’s when I was a kid. if you were deemed a ‘problem child’ or were in trouble with the law, or you were a runaway (that was me) your parents signed ‘incorrigible’ papers on you and let the County juvenile authorities place you where they decide, which may be in a home with someone who would take care of you for a period of time instead of a jail cell. They called it a ‘group home’ or foster care. So, I come from a large catholic family of 12 other siblings (I was #6) and because I kept running away from being sexually abused by my older brother. He threatened me to never tell and I didn’t,(I never told anyone about the abuse, I just kept acting out in other ways, like running away, staying out late, and skipping school etc.) my parents too busy to figure out what was up with me, turned me over to Ramsey Counties Juvenile justice system

  • SC EP:441 My Grandfather's Property

    08/06/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Matt writes "I am a retired combat veteran of the Marine Corps. I saw combat in both the First Gulf War and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Kosovo.As a kid, I grew up in Kentucky. I had several encounters there. Then later I had one in Tennessee and another in East Texas. In Kentucky I lived with my grandfather. He was a Baptist minister and a man of good Scottish stock. We lived in central Kentucky in the Green River bottoms. I was used to seeing bobcats and panthers. From an early age I knew their screams and had a healthy respect for their space, especially at night. In about 1972 I was 7 years old. One summer evening my grandfather and I were walking just a few yards from our house at the edge of a 7 acre field. It sloped a bit up and ended in a tree line which had an old barn at its center. A small trail circumvented the entire field. As we looked east and up at the field’s edge, we saw something standing upright and much taller than the corn which was about 7 feet tall as it was late June. It was brown in color and

  • SC EP:440 Something picked up our trailer

    03/06/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    A listener writes “Hi Wes, The things I encountered were in 1984 and 1988 when I was 12 and 16. I’m from Fresno California. I’m a long haul truck driver now, and I’ve been listening to you on and off since your episodes were in the 30s but I went back to the beginning. I come from a hunting family, and my father cut firewood on the weekend’s to make extra money. So we spent a lot of time in the Sierra’s. When I was 12 we went deer hunting somewhere in the Kings Canyon National Forrest. I don’t remember exactly where. It was my father 2 of his younger brothers and I. My uncle John had an old camping trailer. It had 4 bunks and nothing else. After hunting all day we went to sleep. It was probably 2 or 3 AM. Something picked up the back end of the trailer, and guessing dropped it from at least a foot or 2 off the ground. It was a really big drop. It jolted us all out of bed. It was a small trailer but with all of us in it, it must have weighed close to 2 000 lbs. It wasn’t made of the lightweight material they u

  • SC EP:438 I hit one with my car

    27/05/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    I am returning from the beach after a long needed break. Tonight will be a replay. I really needed to recharge the batteries. I will return next week. Bo writes “If you got time maybe give me a call sometime. I want to tell you my encounter. To sum it up, I hit one with my car when I was 19 yrs old.” Spoke to the witness and he has agreed to come on the show. The encounter took place almost 20 years ago. He describes leaving an area late one night when this creature jumped in front of his car. He said he had his high beams on and saw this creature right before he hit it. He said it was a small creature and it reminded him of a baby gorilla or monkey. At the last moment he hit it and the impact caused a lot of damage. As he slowed down he heard a scream/roar from the tree line. The witness said he was terrified about what he just hit and now something else let out this scream/roar that seemed to shake his insides. The witness hit the gas and as he came around the bend he is pretty sure what ever roared at him

  • SC EP:436 Hell itself opened up and unleashed a beast

    20/05/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    A listener writes “I sent you an encounter that has left me terrified and I look to your show for answers and my experience was in freaking Iowa. I’m a rational man,this display of what I’m trying to this day to grasp was unlike anything I can compare. I have listened to many of your shows and what happened to us hasn’t quite hit the mark.i have a horror show to tell and I have more questions than answers. My whole life this creature only excited in Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and growing up in Nebraska where you can see for miles I of course felt safe. What I thought is a Crack from hell itself had opened up and unleashed a beast unlike anything I could understand. My perspective is so much different than what I have been listening to is well close but this beast wanted to invoke sheer terror. This creature was almost 10 feet high and wrecked an oak tree. It was only 30 feet away bellowing out a sound that I can only describe as prehistoric. We had a bonfire burning for maybe 5 hours while moving these pe

  • SC EP:434 Strange Lights In The Woods

    16/05/2018 Duration: 58min

    Timothy Renner writes “We encountered some very weird lights in the woods. One of our party thinks they are eyeshine, but these lights were very very strange – changing color, moving, changing shape, etc.” I spoke to Tim and he said “You had Jeremy on from Texas and he was talking about the eyes changing colors and I about fell over when I heard this, we saw the same thing. It was strange….”    

  • SC EP:433 They made themselves known

    13/05/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    Tonight night I will be speaking to Connie. Connie said "when all of this started happening I thought it was homeless people but it just kept getting stranger. Several times I would go out on the property and call for my dog and something would mock and mimic me calling the dog. They sometimes call my husbands name. I have heard screams, whoops and strange chatter. My daughter caught one running off of the porch at the guest house." Connie said "We are seeing strange lights out here. I wanted to ask you have you ever seen one of these strange lights that almost forms like the michelin man? This strange figure keeps showing up in the pictures. At first I brushed it off as just something strange showing up, maybe it is a light and my eyes were playing a trick on me but this "thing" or strange light in the form of a person keeps showing up. The strange part is where we are seeing these lights come out of the forest is the same area where the creatures come out. I never wanted this, I just want all of this to go

  • SC EP:431 Encounters with the unknown

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Tonight we will be talking to three guests. My first guest Brian describes a terrifying night in the Uwharrie National Forest and having to pull his weapon. Next, we will be talking to Josh who comes to us from the state of Minnesota. Josh has two encounters he will be sharing with us. Josh originally did not want to come forward because in his second encounter the creature looked very human in the face. Josh says "This has really bothered me Wes, the thing I saw looked very human like in the face but it acted like an animal. Here is a picture that is very close to what I saw.." Then we will wrap up with Boni who comes to us from East Texas. She describes breaking down on the highway about 6 miles from her home and being stalked as she walked along the highway. Boni says "I was so scared, I had no idea what was going on. I could hear talking in the woods but could not make out what they were saying and whatever this thing was, it was big and was pacing me as I walked along the highway. Every time I stopped I

  • SC EP:431 Encounters with the unknown

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Tonight we will be talking to three guests. My first guest Brian describes a terrifying night in the Uwharrie National Forest and having to pull his weapon. Next, we will be talking to Josh who comes to us from the state of Minnesota. Josh has two encounters he will be sharing with us. Josh originally did not want to come forward because in his second encounter the creature looked very human in the face. Josh says "This has really bothered me Wes, the thing I saw looked very human like in the face but it acted like an animal. Here is a picture that is very close to what I saw.." Then we will wrap up with Boni who comes to us from East Texas. She describes breaking down on the highway about 6 miles from her home and being stalked as she walked along the highway. Boni says "I was so scared, I had no idea what was going on. I could hear talking in the woods but could not make out what they were saying and whatever this thing was, it was big and was pacing me as I walked along the highway. Every time I stopped I

  • SC EP:429 Bob Gimlin Live Call In

    05/05/2018 Duration: 01h35min

    I apologize for the audio quality but I can only control what I can control on a live show. Tonight I will be live from Kennewick, Washington along the southwest bank of the Columbia River. My guests tonight will be Bob Gimlin and Russell Acord. This is a live call in show. Call in and talk to Bob. Tonight’s show is brought to you by the International Bigfoot Conference. I know not everyone can make it to a conference. I really want to do something special for the fans of the show. If you ever wanted to talk to Bob, here is a great opportunity. Bob will be joining me live Friday night at 4pm Pacific Standard Time.

  • SC EP:428 Sasquatch in Maine

    29/04/2018 Duration: 01h28min

    My first guest, John, is from Louisiana, and he had an encounter when he was 6-7 years old. John says “I was out with my family and I started walking down the trail by myself and I came up on what I thought was a gorilla. It looked at me and made a RAAAA! sound and pushed his head forward. I ran back to my dad and told him what happen. My Dad told me that they were an ancient human/indian that lived in the woods and that he was paced out of the woods one time. The thing I ran into was huge and reminded me of a gorilla, now this is in the 60’s so information was scarce at best….”   My second guest JC writes “I am a retired Navy Seabee and I live in South Central Maine. I, a friend & associate of mine whom is a professional in the community, have had continuous contact/encounters with a family pod of Bigfoot for the past 18 months. This email has been difficult to write due to the fact that I am growing Marijuana in the forests in which these these encounters take place. The reason for writing now we feel i

  • SC EP: 426 I had to slam on my brakes

    22/04/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    I would sit out on the back deck at night and would hear wood knocks and an occasional whoop but had never seen one. Sometimes I would take a baseball bat and hit a tree or even the railing of the deck and sometimes would get an answer. Any way, one day, this was about 20 years ago, I cut up over the ridge and was on the blacktop. I was almost to the back entrance of the park when this huge creature jumped the fence along the park, it was on my right, and stood in the road. I had to slam on my brakes or I would have hit it. When I stopped, I could not have been more than 15 to 20 feet away from it, if that. This thing was huge. I am guessing it was about 7 to 7 1/2 feet tall and 3 feet across the shoulders. It had dark brown hair all over its body except on its face. Broad nose, wide set eyes, a protruding forehead and its arms almost appeared to be normal from the shoulders to the elbows and from the elbow to the hands, the arms were very long. It just stood there and we made eye contact for a full minute. M

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