Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:450 Watch out of for the Boogerman!



John writes "In 1983 When I was 18 yrs old me and a friend who has since passed away, God rest his soul were backed up on a tractor path in forsyth county, North Carolina. This path was off an old dirt road that ended down where it got at the bottom of a holler at the creek bottoms. This road was bout 1/3 of a mile as the crow flies to corn products. This company takes corn and renders it down into animal feed and such. The company has corn brought in by rail in open boxcars and the corn would fall onto the rails from the shakin and moving of the train and such. The rails kinda follow the creek down in the bottoms before it rises up to the plant to be processed. I recond because of the water source cause them there rails been laid many a lustrum ago! That corn attracts many a critter down on the ground that away! We would go deer,dove and coon huntin down in them bottoms and have a field day. Many a family was fed with the critters harvested down in that holler. There was only a few farm houses on that road b