Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:428 Sasquatch in Maine



My first guest, John, is from Louisiana, and he had an encounter when he was 6-7 years old. John says “I was out with my family and I started walking down the trail by myself and I came up on what I thought was a gorilla. It looked at me and made a RAAAA! sound and pushed his head forward. I ran back to my dad and told him what happen. My Dad told me that they were an ancient human/indian that lived in the woods and that he was paced out of the woods one time. The thing I ran into was huge and reminded me of a gorilla, now this is in the 60’s so information was scarce at best….”   My second guest JC writes “I am a retired Navy Seabee and I live in South Central Maine. I, a friend & associate of mine whom is a professional in the community, have had continuous contact/encounters with a family pod of Bigfoot for the past 18 months. This email has been difficult to write due to the fact that I am growing Marijuana in the forests in which these these encounters take place. The reason for writing now we feel i