Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:446 Military veteran shares his encounters



I grew up in Arizona. At age 18 I joined the navy and began a 21 year career. I have wanted to share my experiences since my first experience in 1972. The only people I have shared these experiences with is my family, my mom and children. I have attached my experience: 1972 Willow Creek California Mid Afternoon My first encounter occurred while visiting a family friend in Willow Creek California in early June 1972. While visiting, my twin brother, and two family friends daughters went hiking on an old logging trail located behind the friend’s house. We hiked about 1 hour up this road and were getting ready to turn around, when off to the road in a small gulley filled with ferns. We all stood on the road looking up the gulley after we had heard some grunting noises. Setting about 150 feet from us was a tall creature with long dark brown hair. The creature was standing among the ferns I think it was eating the tops of young ferns. It just stood watching us for about 1 minute, then it grunted. The girls we were