Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:440 Something picked up our trailer



A listener writes “Hi Wes, The things I encountered were in 1984 and 1988 when I was 12 and 16. I’m from Fresno California. I’m a long haul truck driver now, and I’ve been listening to you on and off since your episodes were in the 30s but I went back to the beginning. I come from a hunting family, and my father cut firewood on the weekend’s to make extra money. So we spent a lot of time in the Sierra’s. When I was 12 we went deer hunting somewhere in the Kings Canyon National Forrest. I don’t remember exactly where. It was my father 2 of his younger brothers and I. My uncle John had an old camping trailer. It had 4 bunks and nothing else. After hunting all day we went to sleep. It was probably 2 or 3 AM. Something picked up the back end of the trailer, and guessing dropped it from at least a foot or 2 off the ground. It was a really big drop. It jolted us all out of bed. It was a small trailer but with all of us in it, it must have weighed close to 2 000 lbs. It wasn’t made of the lightweight material they u