Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:527 The Paranormal Portal

    28/03/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    An extra show for the week. Tonight I will be speaking with Brent Thomas who hosts The Paranormal Portal Podcast on YouTube. We chat about many topics tonight. I hope you enjoy the show. Brent writes "Paranormal Portal is a Paranormal Internet Radio Show that features all things paranormal on, IheartRadio, Tune In and available for streaming on Paranormal Portal airs live on Friday and Saturday evenings from 7pm - 9pm PST on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, we do our Bedtime Stories From Beyond, which are our shorter format episodes that cover just a few stories and thoughts. The Portal is live 7 Days a week at 7pm PST Right here on our YouTube Channel!"   Subscribe to The Paranormal Portal: Check it out here

  • SC EP:526 Terrifying Night On The Appalachian Trail

    24/03/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Spoke to Glen who is a retired law enforcement officer. Glen said “I was injured on the job so I have taken some time off. A good friend of mine and I decided to take a long hike down the Appalachian Trail. We were warned by the park rangers not to hike the trail, they made the comment “We don’t work in anything less than a 4 man team. A lot of strange things have been going on.” Now I didnt really believe in bigfoot. After the night we spent on the Appalachian Trail, I changed my mind on a lot of things. It still haunts me to this day.” Aaron writes “Hey man my gf, and I had 2 interesting encounters during our trip to LBL. Went in with the intent to show her some wood booger’s, ended up running into what I can only assume was a demon/witch lady near a cemetery.My gf refuses to really talk about her because she had said hi to her as she walked past but the lady ignored her but looked up smiled and said hi back to me when I said hi. Her eyes were black but my gf describes her differently than I saw her said sh

  • SC EP:524 I Thought I Ran Into The Devil

    17/03/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    A listener writes “I am from Indiana. I grew up with these things being around my property. I have seen them twice but have had glimpses of them numerous times. I have so much to say. I purchased a home a few miles from where I grew up. Something else has shown up, this sounds crazy but it was a werewolf. It killed my dog…this is crazy but I am telling you the truth. Have you heard of this before?”

  • SC EP:522 “Bigfoot Research”

    10/03/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    A few weeks ago I put a challenge out there to the bigfoot researchers to come on and give a presentation on this Bigfoot Research I keep hearing about. I think 2 individuals responded. Paul Graves is a researcher here in Washington State and he has agreed to come on and give a presentation on what Bigfoot Research evolves. Paul is great guy and I know John Bindernagel thought very high of him. What will you learn? You will have to wait and see. See Pauls work below: The Game Camera Photo Trackway NearSunnyslope, Washington State

  • SC EP:519 John Bindernagel Tribute

    28/02/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Feeling a little down and thinking about the Doc.   John Albert Bindernagel (December 22, 1941 – January 17, 2018) was a wildlife biologist who sought evidence for Bigfoot since 1963. He published a book in 1998 entitled North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch (ISBN 0-9682887-0-7). His second book, The Discovery of the Sasquatch – Reconciling Culture, History, and Science in the Discovery Process, was published in 2010. Bindernagel grew up in Ontario, attended the University of Guelph, and received a PhD in Biology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.He moved to British Columbia in 1975largely because the region was a hot spot for Bigfoot sightings. Over the years, he collected casts of tracks that he believed belonged to Bigfoot. He also claimed to have heard the creature near Comox Lake in 1992, comparing its whooping sound to that of a chimpanzee. Bindernagel believed that the Bigfoot phenomena should receive more attention from serious scientists, but remarked, "The evidence doesn't get scrutinized

  • SC EP:518 Creepy Encounter With Something

    24/02/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    A listener writes “Hello Wes! I listen your show all the time I’m a big a fan of your show and Bigfoot. About 2 years ago I became fascinated with Sasquatch. I don’t have a Sasquatch encounter but I do have a paranormal encounter. One night in October of 2015. Me and a buddy of mine came across the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. 3 am we encountered a woman in a sparkling prom like dress who seem to have been waiting for my buddy. She was lifeless no emotion and stared at my buddy. I’d love to go into more detail and be able to tell you over the phone. Thank you Wes” Spoke to the eyewitness this afternoon. He has agreed to come on the show. Its the first time in a long time I have had chills listening to someone recount what they saw and what happen to them. This is an incident with multiple witnesses. The encounter takes a strange twist and it goes to show you that you can run into more then just Sasquatch during the witching hour.   We will also discuss Sasquatch encounters.

  • SC EP:515 I Shouldn't Be Alive

    16/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    Spoke to the eyewitness who is from the U.K. but she was in California for business. She shared some very interesting details about what she saw. She said “When the male rushed me the female stopped him and they were chattering back and forth, a very strange gibberish.” She has agreed to come on the show, her account is below. A listener writes “Dear Wes, My Brother suggested that I email you to tell you about an encounter with a group of hairy things, possibly Sasquatches, that I had back in the late 80’s when I was working in California. In brief, I was trying to take pictures of Sea Otters at a beach near Big Sur when a group of six one male, two female and three smaller creatures came down out of a creek and the male waded into the water and started pulling seaweed out and throwing it back to the females that were chewing at its roots and rubbing it into the fur. This was about 100 metres away from where I was sat on some rocks. The group noticed me when I tried to take some photos and the male charge at

  • SC EP:514 Encounters On The Property

    09/02/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    A listener writes “I first encountered Bigfoot in 79. I was 6 years of age. I grew up in Byhailya Miss 20 miles from Memphis on a small farm house 15 archers or so. It was me my mom 3 older sisters and my nephew a year younger than myself. We had chickens with a small coup a about 15 birds. An old smoke house, old barn and a nice garden. The landlord had about 60 cows in the back of the property in a large pasture. We also had two dogs and this place had no running water. It all started when me and mom went to the eggs out of the coup,so she could get back in to watch her stories on tv. Me and my nephew would watch with her lol. So when we came back in and began to watch tv around noon. The phone rang, it was our neighbor and her good friend ,that lived about 2 miles away. She said a creature had came on her property and picked up her small child as she was hanging clothes on the line on the side of her trailer house. She said the child wondered to the front yard, when she heard it cry frantically. She said s

  • SC EP:511 It Was No Damn Bear

    01/02/2019 Duration: 55min

    Now I was scared for him. “Dobbs!” I yelled. “Dobbs!” My voice echoed through the woods. I scanned the area with my light but didn’t see anything else. Keep steady, I thought to myself. He could have just dropped it. Or maybe the other Ranger, what’s-his-name. They were likely at the tower together. Or maybe scouting the fire they had spotted.  “Dobbs!” I screamed this time. The sky now was now a little illuminated by the tell-tale orange glow of fire. “Dobbs, can you hear me?” ​Then I heard a man’s voice say, “Shut up!”  His sudden voice surprised the tar out of me. If hadn’t been so exhausted I’d have jumped up a tree right then and there. “Where are you?” he was close but I couldn’t see him. “Shhh! Keep quiet! It’ll hear us!” he said to me. I located where the voice was coming from, about 10 feet away and a little behind me, then swung the light at him. I saw Dobbs under a thick patch of cedars up against a big rock, huddled on the ground.  “Turn the light off and get over here,” he whispered. I was moving

  • SC EP:510 Creature At My Window

    27/01/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    I will be having two guests on tonight that describe seeing this creature come up to their bedroom window at night. Both witnesses were children and young adults when this happened. One witnesses is now a long haul truck driver and I asked him what is the strangest thing you have ever seen while driving long haul? His answer might surprise you.

  • SC EP:507 Stalked in the woods

    18/01/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    I will be releasing the public show tonight. I am working on a special show for the members on Sunday. I really think you guys and gals are going to like it. Tonight we will be talking to Ned who is a retired law enforcement officer from New York. Ned’s encounter took place many years ago and it started when his car broke down. Ned struggled for many years on what he ran into that night. It is very interesting to hear the ambush behavior Ned describes. Dylin who is from Louisiana will discuss his encounter while he was a truck driver for a logging company. Dylin had stopped his truck and trailer on the job site around 2 AM. As he was adjusting his straps on the side of the trailer he heard his driver door close. He felt something on the other side of the trailer messing with his straps. He thought a worker was messing with him or it was the wind until he looked up and saw the creature. Dylin writes “I could definitely make out an elongated pointed head and the whole left side of its body was covered in what l

  • SC EP:506 The One Who Runs and Hides

    14/01/2019 Duration: 01h49min

    Bill writes “Wes this sighting took place when I was a teenager. I’m fifty two now and I still remember it for the most part. Me and a buddy was on are way to are favorite fishing spot at the time. We lived near a dam. It was late summer. So the dam was low which maybe accessing the inlet possible. Now above the inlet was miles of private land that connected to next dam that was located in the mountains. To access the inlet you had to hike down into the bottom and walk through bottom ground that is underwater in spring. Well we were crossing a fence on the high side and as I crossed over I looked ahead and below us toward are destination in the tall willows I saw something bent over low digging or scraping in the dirt. It was hairy reddish color. I stoped and was trying to figure out what I was seeing about that time my buddy looked and saw what I was looking at. At the same time the creature must have heard us. To this day I remember this point and will never forget it. It stood straight up still with its ba

  • SC EP:504 Mill Race Monster

    07/01/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Dave writes “I had an experience while canoeing. It happen from an area where an event happen 40 to 50 years earlier. You can google the Mill Race Monster in Columbus, Indiana. I knew nothing about big foot before my experience…..changed my life.” Spoke to the witness and he was canoeing on the Flat Rock River when he got stuck in a wood jam in the river. He pulled the canoe out of the river. The witness said “I was dragging the canoe when I started smelling something terrible. It smelled like a dead animal and rotting garbage. It was so bad I almost started dry heaving. The forest erupted, it sounded like king kong was breaking trees and screaming at me. I had no clue what was going on. I grabbed the canoe and started dragging it back to the river. That is when all hell broke loose…..” MILL RACE MONSTER: On November 1, 1974, the Columbus Police Department received a series of panicked reports from no less than two sets of eyewitnesses, all of whom claimed to have seen (and even been attacked by) a huge, bipe

  • SC EP:502 Monkey-Bears at the window

    30/12/2018 Duration: 01h40min

    Happy New Year everyone! I have three guests tonight. A summary of their encounters are below. Case writes “I live in South Western Pennsylvania. I have had 2 sightings in my life. One was locally where I live (2014) the other at my camp in Clearfield county in (2013). The first was what made me realize there’s Bigfoot in our state. I was hunting at our camp which is 2 miles from the nearest paved road and we get very little traffic back there even in hunting season. I was still hunting along the spring that flows through the bottom of a valley below our camp. In the bottom is a 100 yard wide by 200 yard pine thicket. It is so thick through there I usually just carry my rifle slung under my shoulder shoulder and just hunt with my pistol (.357 mag) cause shots are under 30 in the thicket. Upon exiting the thicket I noticed 2 doe in front of me at about 50 yards. I retrieved my rifle and was watching these deer through the scope. They were not alerted to my presence and didn’t seem spooked cause they just fed a

  • A Christmas Short Story

    24/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    A scary night in the Smoky Mountains

  • SC EP:500 Survivorman Les Stroud

    22/12/2018 Duration: 01h34min

    Join us in celebrating Sasquatch Chronicles’ 500th episode on Friday, December 21. We’ll be welcoming Les Stroud to the show, and he sits down to talk about his journey as Survivorman and what lead him there, what he’s up to now, and of course, Sasquatch. Les will share with us some never before heard experiences, his opinion on what the creature is, and will give us some firsthand insight into some of the most memorable moments from Survivorman: Bigfoot. Les Stroud is a Canadian survival expert, filmmaker and musician best known for his hit television series “Survivorman,” where he uses his skills and knowledge to survive completely alone in the wilderness for up to 10 days with limited or no ready access to water, food, and supplies. He is the “only producer in the history of television to produce an internationally broadcast series entirely written, videotaped and hosted alone.” Les began his rich career as an outdoorsman in 1990 as a guide for Black Feather Wilderness Adventures leading canoe excursions i

  • SC EP:499 Dead Men Tell No Tales

    16/12/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Spoke to the witness he said "Wes, I basically grew up around these things. My family and I lived on the reservation and my grandfather and the other elders would talk about these creatures. There was one that would smack the house almost every night. One time he hit the back window and moshed his face in the back door. I looked up right at this thing. My dad was scared and his patience was running out. One time it hit the back window so hard hits arm came through. My father grabbed his shotgun and I heard him fire several rounds. He calming came in the home and called a family member and asked him to bring his truck. I later found out he killed it and then disposed of the body. It didn't seem that big. Things around the property started getting bad. Aggression from these things picked up and horses and other live stock were being killed. We had to move. There are so many details and accounts I would be happy to come on and share what has happened to me and my family. I can tell you they are not human and the

  • SC EP:497 Do not pull over

    09/12/2018 Duration: 01h52min

    Jim writes “I was driving north on I65 in southern Indiana through endless farmland. I was contacted by my dispatch team and told to check my reefer unit on my trailer. They said it was giving them alerts that my cargo temp was too high. I pulled over next to a thick wooded area off of an exit ramp. As i was running diagnostics on my unit, I became aware of the sound of breathing and was overcome by a smell most foul. I reached into the sidebox of my cab and hit my worklights and what I saw standing over me was stuff of horror films. It was HUGE! I froze in place as this thing stared me down. Finally the engine on my reefer unit started up, scaring me and it. I left as fast as my rig could move. I cant explain the feelings of fear being that close to this creature.” Spoke to Jim at length about his encounter and he said that he had encountered something strange a few years back when he was driving home with his young child. Jim said “I was driving down this back country road in Oklahoma and I thought I saw a

  • SC EP:495 Don’t Look Behind You

    03/12/2018 Duration: 02h11min

    I will be having a couple of eyewitnesses on the show tonight to share their encounters along with Timothy Renner. See everyone tonight! Timothy Renner returns to the show to discuss encounters from his new book Don’t Look Behind You: Following Ghost Roads Into the Unknown. Timothy Renner’s book, “Beyond the Seventh Gate”, explored the history and mysteries of the infamous Toad Road – an area in York County, Pennsylvania which is home to a variety of paranormal activity. “Don’t Look Behind You” expands on that volume, presenting more cases of strangeness from the area. Renner’s continuing research has brought forth more stories and new witnesses describing bigfoot attacks, UFOs, venomous snakes, Mothman, orbs, buried treasure, and even a creepy Toadman lurking in the nearby creek. To these stories, Renner adds his own experiences of oddities, weird synchronicity, rare animals, unexplained lights, and other high strangeness.

  • SC EP:493 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles II

    25/11/2018 Duration: 01h51min

    I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. Join me tonight with Best of Sasquatch Chronicles Part Two. As we take a look at five more shows. See you tonight.

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