Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:514 Encounters On The Property



A listener writes “I first encountered Bigfoot in 79. I was 6 years of age. I grew up in Byhailya Miss 20 miles from Memphis on a small farm house 15 archers or so. It was me my mom 3 older sisters and my nephew a year younger than myself. We had chickens with a small coup a about 15 birds. An old smoke house, old barn and a nice garden. The landlord had about 60 cows in the back of the property in a large pasture. We also had two dogs and this place had no running water. It all started when me and mom went to the eggs out of the coup,so she could get back in to watch her stories on tv. Me and my nephew would watch with her lol. So when we came back in and began to watch tv around noon. The phone rang, it was our neighbor and her good friend ,that lived about 2 miles away. She said a creature had came on her property and picked up her small child as she was hanging clothes on the line on the side of her trailer house. She said the child wondered to the front yard, when she heard it cry frantically. She said s