Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:562 The Rock Throwing Howler Monkeys?

    15/07/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “I live in Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains. A good friend of mine lived out in the country and asked me to come over because he was sure there was howler monkeys in the woods behind his home. I was curious so I went to see if I could hear these “howler monkeys” that he was talking about. After several nights of being out there we heard strange vocalizations but never saw anything until the last couple of nights. We have rocks thrown at us and we saw two of them. One of them was huge, biggest thing I have ever seen and it reminded me of a human covered in hair but it was a really big human. There was one night we saw something, I think unrelated and it was so strange I don’t know what to think. It is so odd I am not sure if I want to discuss it, stranger than Bigfoot.” The eyewitness has agreed to come on the show and share his encounter.

  • SC EP:560 I Almost Shot It - William Roe

    11/07/2019 Duration: 14min

    Here is some bonus content. I hope everyone enjoys the William Roe encounter from 1955.   I, W. Roe of the City of Edmonton, in the province of Alberta make oath and say, (1) That the exhibit A attached to this, my affidavit, is absolutely true and correct in all details. Sworn before me in the City of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, this 26th day of August, A.D. 1957. (Signed) William Roe (Signed) by W.H. Clark Assistant Claims Agent Number D.D. 2822 EXHIBIT A. Ever since I was a small boy back in the forest of Michigan, I have studied the lives and habits of wild animals. Later, when I supported my family in Northern Alberta by hunting and trapping, I spent many hours just observing the wild things. They fascinated me. But the most incredible experience I ever had with a wild creature occurred near a little town called Tete Jaune Cache, British Columbia, about eighty miles west of Jasper, Alberta. I had been working on the highway near Tete Jaune Cache for about two years. In October, 1955, I decided to clim

  • SC EP:559 The Uninvited Guests

    07/07/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “I live near Washougal, Washington. I was teaching someone how to cold camp, no fire no lights. One night we ran into a group of them. They surrounded us but they were not aggressive. I had no idea what was going on that night or what these things were. They seem to watch from the treeline. We passed one going to our camp. It was dark and I remember thinking, I don’t remember a tree being next to that trail. I realized it wasn’t a tree. Long story short we left. I went back the next day to get all of my gear and there were tracks everywhere. I decided to follow some fresh tracks and that is when I ran into one.”

  • SC EP:558 Weekend Campfire Chat

    07/07/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    Bonus Episode: I am working on a round table show with Tony Merkel from The Confessionals and Brent Thomas from The Paranormal Portal. We have several topics we are going to cover in an open discussion. Do you have any questions or comments I will read on the air? You can ask any question you want for the podcasters.

  • SC EP:556 The Unexpected Sasquatch Encounter

    29/06/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    Here is Sundays early release. I will be speaking to four guests tonight. My first guest writes “I’ve recently started tuning into your podcast. My dad told me about it Friday and today I’ve been able to listen to it. And I’ve been listening since 9 this morning. I wanted to share my experience/encounters with you. My name is Sebastian. I have a couple experiences in Illinois and one in Idaho. The first instance took place when my brother and I were walking through the woods out by Staunton lake in Illinois. We went down the spillway and were walking the trails back behind the lake. We were about a mile into the woods and my little brother decided he wanted to stop and rest. So I went to walk a little farther ahead. I walked maybe 50 yards away from him before I realized it was dead silent. Which it wasn’t before. There were birds chirping and squirrels running around and just sounds of activity maybe 5 minutes prior to me realizing. After I realized it was quiet I slowed my pace. And took maybe fifteen more

  • SC EP:554 Sasquatch In The Desert

    23/06/2019 Duration: 01h52min

    Ann writes, “Last year, in spring I had an experience that has significantly and profoundly affected my life in such a way that I am no longer able to enjoy the past times that I have been so deeply in love with since a child. In place of the lengthy carefree and joyful, stress free experience that our mountains have been my visits are now anxious and brief. I am frightened almost to the point of giving into a need to flee. Never do I go exploring outside of eyesight and its so bad that I feel no joy or peace there anymore. It just feels like I dont want to go there, to stay away. I believe I was stalked and followed by a creature. This has left me pretty much paralyzed with fear. I am an outdoors woman deluxe…reduced to being afraid to venture out beyond the confines of my own yard. I know it was a Sasquatch. All the way down to my soul I know what it was.”   We will also be speaking to Jim who is a Bigfoot Researcher, and he will be sharing his encounters with us. Jim said, “We experience a lot of strange t

  • SC EP:552 Boy Scouts VS Sasquatch

    21/06/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    A listener writes “My cousin and I were in a church sponsored scout troop in St. Louis, Missouri. We decided that we wanted to go to scout summer camp and since there weren’t enough in our troop that wanted to go we hooked up with another troop in Hillsburo that was also with our church. We paid our fees and were taken south of St. Louis to Hillsburo and then that Monday morning we arrived at S-F Scout Ranch ( pronounced S bar F). Our troop was assigned a camp site and we went out and made ourselves at home. We followed a path for a couple of hundred yards out from the camp building and here and there there were paths that branched off to the various camp sites. Ours was one of the outlying camps and was at the end of the lake that was there. The lake was huge. It wasn’t too wide you could canoe across it in a few minutes but seemed miles long. From out camp we could just see the lake through the trees. Paul and I were just a couple of inner city boys on our first scout camp. Tents were already set up in a ci

  • SC EP:550 The Little Green Man

    14/06/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Kevin who is originally from Ireland. He shares some Irish folklore, along with an encounter he had with a little green man. What we might first assume in a America to be a little man in a green suit or a leprechaun, Kevin explains that something is lost in translation because what he saw was what most would consider to be a 2-3 foot tall little grayish/green alien. Not only did he see it but his family saw it. Kevin said “In our culture we would leave it gifts to leave us alone. My aunt said it had the head of a porcelain doll because it was so smooth and the face did not move.” Kevin goes on to say, “I came to America and joined the Marines. I served this country but my strange experiences did not stop in Ireland I have also seen a Sasquatch.”

  • SC EP:549 The Stinky Homeless Man?

    09/06/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    Tonight is going to be jammed pack with guests. We start off with Daniel Benoit who will be sharing information on his conference coming up in Virginia. Since it is the weekend I decided to bring Bingo on and see who knows more about Bigfoot. Will Daniel win or Sasquatch Chronicles prodigal son Bingo? Check out the conference on Facebook.   Timothy Renner from the Strange Familiars Podcast stops by to share some historical accounts of Sasquatch. Check out the Strange Familiars podcast here.   We will wrap up with Jim who grew up in a military family and shares strange run ins with what he called a "stinky, hairy homeless man. *Spoiler Alert* It was not a human.

  • SC EP:547 Tree Jumping Creature

    02/06/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    Tree Jumping Creature Spoke to a witness who has agreed to come on the show. He said “Many years ago I worked on cell towers in remote locations. We were in Pennsylvania and I stepped away from the job site to use the bathroom. There are no bathrooms in these remote locations so we used a 5 gallon bucket and a plastic bag. I heard leaves moving around but could not tell where it was coming from. I finished what I was doing and about 40 feet away this thing jumped from the tree, it didn’t fall, it jumped down.It was huge, I mean it was really huge. This is during the day and this thing jumps from the tree and lands. It turned to look at me. This has upset me most of my life. I am not sure what to say, he looked like the ugliest human ever but much bigger and covered in hair. It turned and looked right at me. This thing snarled, growled and showed its teeth. It than turned and walked away. I was in shock. We had been hearing strange noises prior to that like whoops and knocks but we were so busy working we didn

  • SC EP:545 Shots FIRED!

    26/05/2019 Duration: 01h47min

    A listener writes “I shot one in 1995 deer hunting in the area around Oregon caves out of cave junction where I live. Have had a few other encounters and photos of footprints while hunting wild mushrooms, let me know if you are interested...” He said he was hunting and the night before they kept hearing someone or something around their camp. The next day he found a large boulder to sit on that over looked a clearing. He sat for awhile... then something stood up. The witness said “He was looking directly at me and I could see everything. I do not remember chambering a round. This thing started running so fast and I started shooting. I know I hit it 3 times in the back. It fell to its knees and got up and just ran off. I realized it was running in the direction of our camp and my friend was at the camp. I heard my friend start shooting. I ran back to the camp while it was leaving. The following night was a nightmare. Several of these things showed up and they were mad. I fired off almost all the ammo I had tha

  • SC EP:543 Dogman In The Graveyard

    19/05/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    “Hi Wes, Love the show I listen every night before bed and while I’m driving. I’ve had multiple weird encounters with things in the woods and paranormal activity. I’m 41 and grew up in Nova Scotia Canada and also lived in South Carolina and North Carolina. Anyway my first encounter was when I was about 14. (1992) It was the beginning summer and a very dark night. My brother and his friends had a campfire in the field past our backyard. There are a ton of deer and coyotes. Anyway they left in a car to go to town and my mom sent me down there to clean up and get the left over food and condiments. Also to make sure the fire was out. I grew up in the woods and I wasn’t scared of anything until that night. I was picking up after my brother and friends and I heard a growling noise from the woods. It was so loud I felt it in my chest and body. I was thinking bear at the time. Which I’ve never seen around our yard or woods. I froze and looked into the woods it was pitch black. I started to run to the house (dropped e

  • SC EP:541 Houston Live Show Recap

    16/05/2019 Duration: 40min

    Tony and I sit down and share our thoughts with the live event. Some funny moments to share with you gals and gals than we are back to work with encounters. Thank you again to everyone who came out. Hope you enjoy some behind the scenes.

  • SC EP:540 I Quit

    15/05/2019 Duration: 26min

    There was technical issues with capturing my presentation at the live event. I will recreate it and tell the story about the day I quit the show and put it out for everyone when I get back into town. Bob flys out tomorrow morning and I told him how much it meant to me for him to be there with me when I told that story. He teared up a little when I said it to him and I told him to cowboy up or he was going to make me tear up. If you didn’t love Bob Gimlin before, you will after hearing this and it has nothing to do with filming Patty. If you love the show you will understand why there is still a show after hearing what I have to say. If you meet Bob in the future be sure to thank him. I got an opportunity to have a real heart to heart with him and tell him what he means to me.

  • SC EP:539 It Looked Directly At My Gun

    06/05/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Rob writes “I am from the state of Georgia. I had a encounter back in February 2019. I had been scouting for some wild hogs when I came upon a smell that would run a buzzard off a outhouse.Trying to find the source and looking down at the ground I caught movement to my right and looked up to see this creature some 80 feet from me. Dark brown eyes as dark as his coat. Scared 10 years off me.” Spoke to the eyewitness and while scouting an area he came face to face with a Sasquatch. He said “I just could not believe what I was seeing, I think it was just as surprised to see me as I was seeing it. It looked at my gun and looked back up at me.”   Howard writes “I wanted to relate to you a sighting I had as a child in Tahlequah Oklahoma. My mother originally from California was adopted by a couple who lived in this area. It is a beautiful region with the Illinois river literally in there back yard. We live in the central part of the state and as a child we would go and visit my grandpa Pete and his wife. They lived

  • SC EP:537 Do Not Point A Weapon At These Things

    27/04/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Dylan writes "Wes, I want to tell you about an experience that I had with Bigfoot around Lena Lake in Washington state in the Olympic National Park. It was during a camping trip that I had with my dad and the interaction occurred while we were sleeping in our hammocks. We both awoke to what I first assumed was a bear because of the breathing noise it made. It wasn't until I looked through the gap in my tarp that I realized that the creature was standing and had arms. This camping trip was cut a little short because of some other concerns that we had while we were hiking. My dad and I only spoke once about this the next morning and after he told me that he was convinced that we had a bear problem I decided not to tell him what I saw. Shoot me an email if you'd like to hear more about the experience and why we decided to cut our trip short. To this day I haven't told anyone about the encounter because I've always thought of Bigfoot as a dumb joke and I never wanted to sound like a hypocrite to my friends."   My

  • SC EP:535 Taken

    21/04/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    Richard writes "When I was about 12 years old my Father had enough confidence in me to allow me to wander the forest near our home hunting for squirrels. Behind our home was undeveloped mountain property of several thousand acres. There were old homes and farms on the mountain, long years ago abandoned when the families died and dependents moved away. Most of this land was purchased by timber companies and hunting and walks in the woods were O K. I had been taught at an early age in hunting methods and gun safety by my Dad. He took me on exploratory trips into the woods to show me good places to hunt and blaze trails so I could find my way home. Dad was a very smart man and a wise father. He didn't want to find it necessary to search for me and lead me back home at night. One of these locations became my favorite. Very large beech trees filled a little valley and my access was one of the ridges that formed this place. There was a nice creek at the bottom of this ridge and the babbling of water helped cover th

  • SC EP:533 Chanting In The Woods

    14/04/2019 Duration: 01h51min

    A listener writes “I have an encounter that happened many years ago in Washington State. Index to be more precise. My encounter isn’t terrifying (at least not now. It was when it happened.) It’s a bit puzzling and all these years later I can’t explain it. But I did hear some things which culminated in seeing something cross the trail. I’ve never gone public with this and have been met with skepticism by the few people I’ve told. But I know what happened over the course of a few weeks in 1989.” Spoke to the witness and she has agreed to come on the show. It is a very interesting encounter because so many strange things happened beyond the sighting. One thing the witness brought up was hearing chanting in the woods or what sounded like chanting. I heard this before by two separate hunters   My uncle is a big fan of your podcast and he encouraged me to email you about my supernatural experience with a wendigo (possible Sasquatch). I grew up in small town in an incredibly rural region of southern Ontario. My hous

  • SC EP:531 It Had A Man’s Face

    06/04/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    Tonight I will be speaking to three guests who all have very different encounters. Matt writes “The encounter happened during July of 95. I live in NC near the Uwharrie mountains now. Back in 95 I lived at the base of the Blue Ridge mountains. Wilkes county to be exact. Me and my friend Mike were headed from the bottom of the mountain to a friend’s house on the top of the mountain. We decided to take the scenic route, late afternoon. The scenic route was a pavement to gravel road called Big Ivy. It was paved at the base of the mountain. But as soon as you started up, it turned to gravel. It was hot even on the side of the mountain, and we were smoking cigarettes. So we had the windows open. We got half way up the mountain, around dusk, and rounded a curve to the left. The road had a drop off to the right, and a very steep bank to the left. As we came around the curve I noticed something walking up onto the side of the road on the right. At first in the dusk, I thought it was a real tall man in a trenchcoat. I

  • SC EP:529 The Beasts of Britain

    31/03/2019 Duration: 01h47min

    Andy McGrath, is a Cryptozoology ‘Enthusiast’ with over 25 years of research and obsession about the unknown creatures living right under our noses, here on this tiny island in the North Atlantic. From a wildlife point of view, the accepted fauna of The British Isles were discovered and catalogued in their finite and immoveable state in the 19th century. Nothing has really been added to this list or considered worthy since and the continual reports of Water Monsters, Bigfoot, Mystery Big Cats and UFC’s (Unidentified Flying Cryptids) are largely ignored or used as newspaper fillers to entertain us. Andy’s focus is on current research and recent sightings, pictures, videos and eyewitness accounts of the many cryptids of the British Isles. Although vast advancements in science and technology have brought great discoveries in other lesser known parts of the world, our island lies largely underexplored and overlooked. At night, outside of the busy cities and next to the unlit lakes and lonely mountains it is an is

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